What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD


out on bail
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Gary! You never replied in the get high thread. Is she cool with the weed?

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slept in , took my daughter to the park to let her play , took her home, hung out at the house with her and my ex and her friend (we are actually cool now that we are both dating other people knowingly) came home, now waiting on my sexy lady to get here so we can watch some movies on netflix or play some 360 (yes shes a gamer , yes she will own you at cod)
Do you have live?

Was doing some cutting on the car last night and all of a sudden the disc on my die grinder just explodes. Didn't hurt me or anything so I just put another one on and went back at it. I was messing around in the garage tonight looked up and saw this in the ceiling.


Good thing I had it pointed away from me. Lol

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RHD is where its at
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Holy s**t! I got smoked in the lip the other night with shards from a cut off wheel...


5th gen lover
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Holy s**t! I got smoked in the lip the other night with shards from a cut off wheel...
All I got was a couple little bits that hit my arms. Kind of scares me after seeing that piece, could of went straight through my throat.

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I really want a tarantula.

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B20: Detroit Muscle!
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The starter job was 212.47$ I was expecting more. At least my car starts and it actually sounds a little bit meaner when I floor it on the throttle. Is it weird that it sounds a little bit meaner?
Why would you pay somebody to install a starter? Should have went to the junkyard and picked one up for $50-80. It literally takes 30 minutes to replace it...

Awesome weekend. Friday night went out drinking with some buddies after work, ran into a chick I used to date, we were on and off for a while back in the day. I tried getting back with her last year but at the time she had a bf and wasn't having it. Now she's single and wants me bad but I have a gf... why must these situations happen?
Saturday had a golf outing in the morning our 4some golfed about 1 over par not too bad I guess. Then went to a huge BBQ all day.
today broke in my new bicycle by going on a 20 mile ride, then mowed the lawn and did a ton of much needed weeding around the house. Then met up with the lady at church. Really quick weekend


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Why would you pay somebody to install a starter? Should have went to the junkyard and picked one up for $50-80. It literally takes 30 minutes to replace it...
No time for me to do it, I was too busy.

f*** me sideways guys. Don't drive high guys it messes you up.
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Lol I drive better when I'm high... what happened?

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My depth perception was off and it looked like I was a foot away from the curb. So then I drove into it slowly and then I hear the scrape and back the f*** immediately so then I checked it out.

In better news I have now figured a way to repair them myself.
Buy sand paper.
Bronze paint(close enough to match it).
Bondo(just in case I need it).
Watch DIY videos on YouTube on wheel repair.

Lol I drive better when I'm high... what happened?

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This was an intense high.
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I should probably get up and go to work now.

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Both bosses are gone all this week. PARTAY!


RHD is where its at
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Decided to stay home and relax today. Been feeling not so hot the last couple of days so imma get better before i have to go to work.

Gotta clean up the house a bit today and maybe work in the garage before it gets to hot.


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Bored at work. We're slow, so there isn't much for me to do. I need a new job lol.
I've got 3 new leases you can enter in for me. Each one takes about 45 minutes to an hour; that should pass time nicely for you. I'll go get a message while you do that.

My back is jacked up horribly. We degreased the garage floor yesterday, and while we had the correct tools to do it, I let is soak longer and scrubbed harder to where I can basically eat off the floor. Now I'm hurting. :cry:


Boost Junkie
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I've got 3 new leases you can enter in for me. Each one takes about 45 minutes to an hour; that should pass time nicely for you. I'll go get a message while you do that.

My back is jacked up horribly. We degreased the garage floor yesterday, and while we had the correct tools to do it, I let is soak longer and scrubbed harder to where I can basically eat off the floor. Now I'm hurting. :cry:

Speaking of backs.. my neck is burning with the fury of a thousand suns right now.. this sun burn is worse than I thought. It sucks.


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Speaking of backs.. my neck is burning with the fury of a thousand suns right now.. this sun burn is worse than I thought. It sucks.
Find some arneca gel or a light lotion that is menthol based. Arneca gel is best though b/c w/ sunburns you typically tighten muscles b/c it hurts to move. The arneca gel relaxes muscles, is all natural, and very heavy menthol(mint) based so it's cooling and soothing too.


Boost Junkie
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Find some arneca gel or a light lotion that is menthol based. Arneca gel is best though b/c w/ sunburns you typically tighten muscles b/c it hurts to move. The arneca gel relaxes muscles, is all natural, and very heavy menthol(mint) based so it's cooling and soothing too.
I've been slathering on some Aloe Vera with Menthol. It works pretty well.
