it will be much easier to do a single properly sized turbo. what kind of setup were you thinking: true twins, parallel ,sequential or compound?
sequential is where at a certain psi for the first smaller turbo the wastegate opens and feeds the bigger turbo. compound is where all exhaust gases go to one turbo to spool it up then you feed the compressed air from the first turbo to the intake of the second turbo. finally, parallel turbo's split the work of feeding the motor, which means half the exhaust goes to each turbo and they both are the same size turbos pushing the same psi into the manifold.
if i had the money i personally would go with sequential because you can use a really small turbo for the lower rpm range and a bigger turbo for higher rpm and more power. say you want to run 10 psi, you can use 5 psi spring in the wastegate for the small turbo and once you hit that psi it opens and feeds the larger turbo.
will this be easy no, will it be expensive yes because you need two wastegates,two turbos, two oil feed lines and two oil drain lines.another thing is i think your only option for tuning that em2 is hondata which is expensive as hell.
a junkyard manual trans will work but you have no way of knowing if its good or not unless you know how to take a tranny apart and check the internals or if you can drive the car before you buy the tranny. you will need the clutch master and slave plus the clutch pedal assembly