Lots of updates on the 180 coming soon, wen't on a beach vacation with the lady for this week so nothing coming until I get back!
Here's a few new pics of the FC3 I took
I will say this though, my SR turned out to not work due to some complications with the engine block, so I decided to part it all out rather than having to send it all back to the machine shop to fix issues they created. So...parted it all out, bought this...
Thanks guys, this will be a much more exciting build than an SR. Plus, just by parting out my SR which was going to make pretty close to stock power, I afforded an RB swap with some of the accessories. Pretty much paid for itself!
There's about 3-4 wildfires at the moment in colorado, but the one shown above is the Black Forest fire, which is probably about 10-15 miles away. Luckily I'm safe, but the smoke is ridiculous, especially today since the wind changed directions and is now headed towards the city.