My phone is three years old, and the speaker and the power button are the only things going bad. I just say it's falling apart cause it doesn't feel new anymore. Other than that, my phone is amazing.Typical Android user
Firstly, you can do anything (and a LOT more) to an iPhone that you could do to an Android. And it won't fall apart in 3 months. Secondly, my phone is over a year old, and my battery still lasts 24-36 hours. I had nothing but problems with my piece of s**t Android, and not a single issue ever with my iPhone. Also, iOS7 is a very stable update. iOS has had the same interface for years, and has been overdue for an upgrade. I'm looking forward to it.
And the battery will last me awhile but I use constantly all day.
Ios7 looks ugly, period. Piggy backing features off android.
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