Which is the Oil Pressure Switch on 2000 Civic


New Member
My car leaked all the oil and no light ever came on; there is oil mostly from middle to right side of VTECH engine.
I read up on it and found that the pressure switch probably is not working. I'm out of work and looking but cannot afford to take it to the shop. So I replaced the oil and it has leaked again with no warning.

I looked up where the switch should be and it turns out that there are 2 switchs next to each other and the
guy at the parts store did not know which one was the right one.
I've been reading different forums and don't find any info on which one it is. I cleaned the oil under both
switches and sometimes it seems the one in front is leaking fresh oil, but at times, it seems the oil leakes
from in between the distributor cap base and the engine.

I was thinking of removing the spark plug wires (they are numbered) and removing the base of the distributor cap to ck if it's the engine tha's leaking, although I doubt it because I previously replaced the head gasket seal.

I need to know which is the right seal, and how to change it. Do I need to take any other steps before removing it?

Thanks in advance.
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Post clear pictures of your engine where you see oil leaking.


Nothing but Performance
Registered VIP
Post clear pictures of your engine where you see oil leaking.
This^^ RonJ , idk if it's just me but it sounds like it could be from the valve cover seal...but, I or anyone can't really say anything without a personal view/pic...


New Member
Thanks RonJ,

These are the pictures of the switch I think it is the gray on on the outside but need confirmation and if it is the right one, do I have to do anything or remove anything before removing the switch/ Also do I remove the whole switch (with nut? or is the switch just plugged into?

The pictures show the area to the left of the valve cover (if you're looking at the engine), is where the leak seems to come from.

Thank you for any help you can give me.

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Sorry the photo link did not print. I'm uploading pictures of my engine.
Click the Edit button for this^ post (#6). Then click the Go Advanced button, and scroll down to Manage Attachments and click it.

Browse and select all photos you wish to upload, and then click the Upload button. When done, click Save Changes.

Based on the text information you've provided, the distributor O-ring, VTEC solenoid, and valve cover gasket are the top candidates, though the two former ones are most common.

But still post the pictures when you can.
