Gotta get my priorities in line.
What's up with Matt?
He's going to EMT school. He got accepted into North Seattle CC and he just has to take a COMPASS test and pass a first aid test then he's in!!!
I'm so proud of him.
But he's just trying to pay of his tool bills (makes me shudder every time he tells me how in debt he is from his tools), school loans, and obviously the EMT class. So financially he's not ready and I think he's just nervous to move out with me (if it happens) and I am too. But his brother offered a room to us at his house (which is pretty nice) for a good price, and I told him if we wanted to do this I would be willing to take up most if not all the rent and he can pay for groceries and utilities and such. I told him to REALLY think about it because that puts me in a very vulnerable spot. If he wasn't trying to better his life and was just a broke ass I would not do that. But I know he would never take advantage of that so I trust him. Plus it's way too good of an opportunity to pass up. Good price for a big house, and it's right across the water from where I work and REALLY close to where he works.
I even told my mom about what I offered to him and she even thought me helping him out like that is a good idea. Also living at home really stresses him out.