Hey everyone :)


New Member
Hey Club Civic

My name is Ryan Rector and I am new to the Honda community. I am a young driver (16) and I'm new to the modding community. I have never really have been interested in cars but recently its all I can think about. I currently own a 1995 Toyota Avalon, but I am working and saving to hopefully get a 5th gen civic hatch. From there I want to make it my own by putting some money into it and what not. Well that is me. I can't wait to be a part of this community. Thanks everyone

Ryan R


New Member
I'll get them up when I can =) my car is with my dad it'll be back with me next week =)
NICE!!! EG hatches are my favorite hatches! I too am trying to save to get one, that or a CRX Si and I plan on H-swapping either one I wind up getting. lol I have been a CC member for a couple years, but never actually got on until a couple weeks ago. lol so I am fairly new here too. Anyways, welcome!

96 DX Hatch

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Whenever a Civic lands in your hands, and you need help/info, don't forget to search first as it's probably been covered.

Enjoy the stay


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You should slam the toyota . Vip yo
