Yep! Another noob!


New Member
5+ Year Member
Hey everyone! New guy here from east Texas. Just bought a 2003 civic EX. I just love this little go cart! I've driven small trucks and even small cars before, but this thing is tiny. I love the zip though, it feels like I'm wearing this little thing. Loving it! I bought this thing from an old lady, who kept all the service records. Kept it in the garage. Took excellent care of it, but unfortunately I can't find any record of a timing belt change. So that's first on the list! Along with a water pump. I have one question that a quick search couldn't answer. My heater blows hot while driving, warm, almost cool, while stopped at the red light. Is this normal? I'm really looking forward to looking through the how to section for this little thing. See how difficult this thing is to work on. Thanks guys!


Trollin in the Deep
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Welcome. Sounds like you got a great car and great maintenance. Just keep that record going.

As for the heater, I don't know much about them, but someone else should be able to answer if they see the thread.

Goodluck with the issue and your car.


Boost Junkie
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member

Congrats on finding a gem! Most Hondas are thoroughly abused nowadays, so it's nice to find a well-maintained one.

As far as your heater, my first thoughts would be coolant level, then thermostat. Both are cheap, and easy to fix. It's usually a coolant flow issue that causes irregular heating. If it were your blower motor, it just wouldn't blow, or if it were the heater core, it'd leak all over the passenger side floorboard. First things first, check coolant level. If that is fine, check reservoir and all hoses. If all checks out, check and perhaps replace thermostat and thermostat housing. If it's not working after that, you may want to ensure all hoses to the firewall aren't being blocked, but that's unlikely.


New Member
5+ Year Member
Thanks for the response! Yep, it's all good when driving, but when stopped, it seems to blow much cooler air. I didn't think this was normal, but you can never tell till you ask someone who drives the same car. Thanks again for the suggestions, I'll start looking at possible causes.


New Member
5+ Year Member
My avatar is a picture of the car. Sorry but I don't have any glamour shots yet. Stinkin cheap camera on the phone, it's all I got!
