Turbo d16y8 coolant issue?


New Member
Hey guys can't figure this one out, loss of coolant, no visible leaks and car does have heat. Originally thought a bad head gasket now I'm not sure

Here's the tests I've done

Compression test shows 160psi across

Cold start with radiator cap off fluid does not bubble or splash, however let it idle and temp didn't really go up much. Also worth noting if go for a drive and let car cool off...and I mean cool off days even, the radiator cap will still be pressurized

No milky residue in oil

With cap off I don't see the coolant going down at all

I'm thinking either a bad head gasket or thermostat but fluid must be getting in somehow if it's not overheating? Will go about 200 miles before temp rises

Parts I've changed? Nothing still diagnosing it's too damn cold to start changing parts for the fun of it!

Thanks in advance!


Is an exhaust pipe touching the radiator?

If not, replace the radiator cap and thermostat; then bleed the cooling system.

If the engine continues to overheat, pressure test the cooling system. Then go from there.


New Member
I did replace the themostat and cap, haven't drove it much since as it's not my dd just a summer car, would that cause coolant loss?


Did you bleed the cooling system?


New Member
The only thing I saw was some white residue on the ex manifold, is it possible the head is lifting under boost and leaking small amounts? 8psi boost

An exhaust pipe is not touching


The only thing I saw was some white residue on the ex manifold, is it possible the head is lifting under boost and leaking small amounts? 8psi boost
Try to carefully rule out or in the possibility that your turbo setup is somehow transferring exhaust/engine heat to the radiator, thereby causing the overheating issue.


I had a Civic once.
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The only thing I saw was some white residue on the ex manifold, is it possible the head is lifting under boost and leaking small amounts? 8psi boost

An exhaust pipe is not touching
It is possible, because I experienced this myself at 9.5psi. If this IS the case though, you'll notice coolant in the reservoir.
