Icing is a glorious tradition that originally started out in the touring band circuit in the mid-2000's. The idea is to hand one of your friends a Smirnoff Ice (the original choice product of sugary destruction) nonchalantly. If done properly, your victim will casually take the beverage, not paying any attention to what it is. Once they have realized what it is they have taken, the deed is done. They must then get down on one knee (traditionally, but sometimes it's not possible/acceptable, so simply standing is fine), and chug the entire thing in one sitting. Bonus points for getting people to do it in ridiculous situations (example: watched the drummer [Tino] of Of Mice & Men get iced seconds before going on-stage.. in fact, he was on the side of the stage, about to sit on his drum throne. PRICELESS). In lieu of Smirnoff Ice's notorious gut-destruction, similar products may be used as a substitute (see: Zima, Wine Coolers [if you're truly an a*****e], and the ever-potent and more f***ed up, Bud Ice).