Oh it does. Bad. But its either that or i lose my house and my kids dont get to have nice things and neither do i.True, but that would suck to be away for a long period of time.
Oh it does. Bad. But its either that or i lose my house and my kids dont get to have nice things and neither do i.True, but that would suck to be away for a long period of time.
ToucheOh it does. Bad. But its either that or i lose my house and my kids dont get to have nice things and neither do i.
To be completely honest, no it doesn't. It doesn't have to be that way. YOU choose to do it that way. I work with a bunch of guys that make have huge houses, tons of toys, and their kids want for nothing, yet they are home every single day by 6:00-7:00 and most have the weekends off (or at least have some kind of weekend like mine is sunday/monday instead of traditional saturday/sunday). You choose to work in the field you are in and in turn are stuck with that kind of schedule and terrible amount of time away from family. Not that your field or job is bad or anything, I am not saying anything to that sort. Just like crab fishermen choose to do what they do knowing that they are away from their families for months at a time. They don't HAVE to do it, they choose to.Oh it does. Bad. But its either that or i lose my house and my kids dont get to have nice things and neither do i.
This is a very broad statement and isnt even close to true.To be completely honest, no it doesn't. It doesn't have to be that way. YOU choose to do it that way. I work with a bunch of guys that make have huge houses, tons of toys, and their kids want for nothing, yet they are home every single day by 6:00-7:00 and most have the weekends off (or at least have some kind of weekend like mine is sunday/monday instead of traditional saturday/sunday). You choose to work in the field you are in and in turn are stuck with that kind of schedule and terrible amount of time away from family. Not that your field or job is bad or anything, I am not saying anything to that sort. Just like crab fishermen choose to do what they do knowing that they are away from their families for months at a time. They don't HAVE to do it, they choose to.
My used car coordinator (runs that department for 5 of our dealerships) used to be a crab fisherman for years. He said that he hated being away from his family so he jump careers and now makes twice as much and gets to be with his family every weekend and every evening if he wants. He chose to make the change to be with his kids and hasn't looked back. Some, like you, choose to stick it out the way they are going. The best part of life and living in a country that actually lets you, is the choice. Some are forced, we aren't.
Bubble? Riiiiggghhhtt. No one held a gun to your head and said you have to stay in that area, in that state, in that field, or even with that company. I know change is hard, but don't use the turmoil of the country as an excuse. That is a scapegoat and you know it. There are certain areas that are hurting still but there are tons of areas that are bouncing back and are starting to flourish again. It depends on where and sometimes what state or county.This is a very broad statement and isnt even close to true.
Depending on where you live then it may be a possibility, but where i live there are no jobs and cost of living is expensive.
Im doing what im doing right now so we can move to a different state that will allow for a broader job search and more time at home.
Dont be stuck in your little bubble and not realize that this country is in turmoil and its not so easy for a big majority of people.
Close minded thinking gets close minded results.
Dude....Bubble? Riiiiggghhhtt. No one held a gun to your head and said you have to stay in that area, in that state, in that field, or even with that company. I know change is hard, but don't use the turmoil of the country as an excuse. That is a scapegoat and you know it. There are certain areas that are hurting still but there are tons of areas that are bouncing back and are starting to flourish again. It depends on where and sometimes what state or county.
You said you are working on changing it so my arguement is kind of moot at this point, but up until now, you have settled. I know the way it goes, I have been in the same boat for the last 4 years and have decided to shift and make it better. I have done the job searching. It is hard, but it isn't like they aren't out there. I went another route to better my situation for my family and chose to go back to college as a lot of others are doing.
You have a lot of skills and certifications that you have talked about or shown that would cross over into something else that could bring you to an area that is cheaper to live in. Again, moot if you are already working on it...
I think you are missing the point here.Bubble? Riiiiggghhhtt. No one held a gun to your head and said you have to stay in that area, in that state, in that field, or even with that company. I know change is hard, but don't use the turmoil of the country as an excuse. That is a scapegoat and you know it. There are certain areas that are hurting still but there are tons of areas that are bouncing back and are starting to flourish again. It depends on where and sometimes what state or county.
You said you are working on changing it so my arguement is kind of moot at this point, but up until now, you have settled. I know the way it goes, I have been in the same boat for the last 4 years and have decided to shift and make it better. I have done the job searching. It is hard, but it isn't like they aren't out there. I went another route to better my situation for my family and chose to go back to college as a lot of others are doing.
You have a lot of skills and certifications that you have talked about or shown that would cross over into something else that could bring you to an area that is cheaper to live in. Again, moot if you are already working on it...
Well, um...
Today... Beer poops this morning, work now, selling my Xbox 360 later, switching my insurance from Progressive to AllState (I'll be in good hands), and probably more beer poops.
Damn man.. much respect to you. You've had to face some very trying situations to keep yourself afloat. I know your pain (in a sense). My parents are wealthy, and owned quite a few lucrative businesses in the early 2000's. They were quite well off, and while I lived with them, I never paid for or needed anything. I was spoiled haha. Anywho..I think you are missing the point here.
Not that its any if your business, but i do post on a public forum and have been around for a number of years, so i guess ill indulge some information.
As you said its pretty much null and void at this rate anyway, but nonetheless...
I have been working in this industry for over 10 years. It definitely isnt what i had planned for my life but the money is pretty damn good. When i first started i worked a rotating schedule-- 2 weeks on. One week off(paid). I did that for a few years at Halliburton(huge company, im sure you have heard of them.) then i switched companies. Better pay plus bonus. Still a week off schedule.
This is when it was booming in my area. No traveling. Killer hours. Killer money and time off. I was also single.
Hooked up with my wife who has a son. Things got pretty serious. I bought an overpriced house, a truck and thats pretty much it besides being young and not very good with my money.
Then everything went to s***. Got laid off. Gf got pregnant instantly. No work local. Ended up landing a job working in an underground coal mine 2 hours away. Did that for a year and some to keep my new family alive while trying to keep a house.
Things started picking back up in the oilfields so i get back into what i was doing again but then traveling was part of the job and has been since.
Ive gotten better with money. Make about half as much per year as i used to but am on top of bills and refinanced my house and paid s*** off. Kids are expensive but the job isnt what it used to be. We are trying to offload the house but it needs new floors, gutters, bathroom remodel and a bunch of other s*** just to be rentable or sellable. Not really into just giving it to the bank since ive got so much time and money into it.
So we have been in the planning stages to move but it doesnt happen overnight with a kid that isnt mine. Sure it would be easy if we didnt have to deal with courts to move.
So right now im stacking money and handling what i need to to be able to do what i need to do.
The judgement from people like u that have no idea where ive been or where i come from is ridiculous imo.
I dont choose where i work. I have no problem changing jobs to better myself but ill be goddamned if im stepping backwards in life to be stressed out and miserable.
Its one of those instances where u havent had to deal with what i have so its better to pretty much just keep your thoughts to yourself.
Come work a 50+ hour shift in -50 degree weather and tell me i choose this s***? Get real...
Payday is next week for me, but I have a good chunk of change saved up. Hopefully, I'll be able to pick up a classic sport bike soon!
Today is payday. Taking my girl to work and picking up our checks. I go in at 4 today. Just gonna be lazy until I go into work.
No tounge no problems.So listen to this s***. My girls name is Jess, and her brothers name is "R". So you know how I got this job offer at longhorns right? Well, "r" text me around that same time. He's the general manager at my work, and is responsible for scheduling. My usual day off is Wednesday. He asked me if I would be fine being off on Tuesday or Thursday because he needed off Tuesday. I told him that was fine with me but I may need him to stay late for me one day or possibly cover a shift because I might have a job interview sometime next week. I figured I owed him the courtesy of giving him a heads up. He asked me how serious of an opportunity this was, I sent him a screenshot of the conversation between me and the longhorns manager that wants me on. I told him that was all I knew. This was around 7:30 Wednesday night. I didn't tell my boss about this because 1, I didn't think it was that serious, and 2, his grandmother had passed away that morning. Well I talked to him the following morning, on Thursday, less than 24 hours after finding out about this potential job opportunity, and "r" had gone around me and talked to "b" (boss) himself. He told "b" that I was definitely leaving and he was sure of it, and that we needed to work on finding another night shift manager to replace me. So I find out this morning that "b" has apparently promised someone the position because he was sure I had the job. Though he never talked to me directly about it before trying to replace me. So now, if I don't get this job, I will be losing my position as shift manager, and go back to a regular employee making close to minimum wage, compared to the 9 an hour I make now. All because my boss took the word of the general manager's ASSUMPTION! I'm f***ing livid, and I can't say a damn thing because "r" is my f***ing brother in law.
You can say whatever you want, he dicked you over...now go d**k his sister some before putting him on blast