99 civic lemon turned lemon aid

Honda momma

New Member
Hi! I'm the proud owner of a cherry red 99 civic hatchback, although we had a rough start we've put some money into her and now she runs pretty good. She needs work still like a rear bumper, the young guy who had her before me rat bagged her and the rear bumper is taped together. I've searched everywhere for one used but I will probably have to buy one new. Lately I've noticed the ride is rougher slamming down in he rear end, and I just found out the rear drivers tire has a shot bushing on the control arm, there was a noise but I was told it was nothing, I love my car and I wasn't going to let it go so easy, I took it in again and they finally located the problem. My hubby says my struts need to be re-done but I googled it and I don't think that's my problem at all. I'm really hoping to fix my little cherry up and have everyone wanting to buy her (not that she's going anywhere) I had a 88 Honda prelude before this and I was sad to let it go when a valve went, that car ripped! I got pulled over going 45 over the speed limit once(in Canada) but didn't get a ticket because I had never had one before!

Wreckless Hype

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5+ Year Member
Welcome welcome.

1st and foremost, post photos. We love photos. Of the car...

2nd, visit the tech section and post up a thread regarding your issue, be specific about the issue description in the title, provide as much detail as possible in the thread and if possible, post pictures of the offending parts.


out on bail
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Wreckless covered it.

Welcome to the site! :D


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1st and foremost, post photos. We love photos. Of the car...

Welcome to ClubCivic! Definitely post up the tech issue in the correct section (suspension). That's where you're most likely to get the response you're looking for.
