Trevor's 04 Civic LX


New Member
Well today is the day I'm fully paying off my 04 Honda Civic LX. I'm loving the paint and body on this car. Not so much the engine however.

It's pure stock right now and I only plan on really changing the intake system and exaust system.

It's just going to be a purty looking car and sound nice. I don't plan on adding any snails or anything unless I win some money and drop in a K.



New Member
Okay so I believe that the exaust manifold is cracked. I don't really wanna f**k around with that. I'm going to send that to my good buddy mechanic and see what he can do. He's one of those dudes from a small town that are not going to rip you off and tell you right up. But I still gotta replace the ball joint and maybe a tie rod. Just going to get him to tell me what's up. My first goal for this car is to get it running good. Then I want to start with small nooby mods (I.e intake exaust) then I just wanna make her look nice. The car is already dropped around an inch so I'm okay with that but may drop it more in the future. I'm going to wire me up some subs an amp and some new speakers after I get her going good


I had a Civic once.
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A header will replace the exhaust manifold.


New Member
So I'm defenetly going to go with a header now I don't need excessive HP so I think I'm going to just add an axle back exaust. Not sure what brand but I'm not going to under pay and have a tin can kind of sound.
