Best paper filter for engine?


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Dont feel like dealing with the oiled ones. Are fram filters from walmart fine?


Authoritah, respected.
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I must ask what it is about oiled filters that you want to avoid? Keep in mind that you only need to clean & oil them roughly every 50,000 miles instead on changing a paper filter every 12,000. Also, paper filters are much more flow restrictive.

Otherwise, any paper filter will suffice. Theres no significant difference between any of them, to my knowledge.


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Dont really know. Should i just get that k and n one? Do they come pre oiled? Are they safe for someone who doesnt do much with their car? I guess i was thinking of avoiding them because i will probably be trying to sell the car in a couple years and didnt feel like cleaning and oiling them before that but if they only need to be cleaned every 50k maybe it doesnt matter.


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Just throw a fram in it if you aren't worried about extra air flow of a reusable one.

The 50k clean intervals aren't set in stone. They are a check and clean type of filter. If they are dirty, clean them. Just like the factory one, if you are in a dirty area and the filter catches a lot of crap, it doesn't have to be changed just at the interval the factory says. They can't determine the amount of wear a filter is going to take in every place on earth so they blanket it with a base change time. That is why most manuals say to check and replace if necessary.


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honestly i would suggests either using a full AEM short ram or buying the cheapest pos short ram you can find on ebay and replacing the filter with AEM not for any hp gains but for the AEM filter and the ease of use and cleaning. the AEM is a lifetime non oil filter that takes one minute to remove if short ram and 30 minutes to clean and replace thats why i bought one.


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aren't the AEM short rams like $180? What's up with the K&M oiled ones. Those seem popular... and easy. Seems like you can get those for under $50. Worth it? or just go fram.


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Cool. I think i will just get the k & n. Seems popular and i can just check it once every other year to see if i want to clean it. You guys think it is safe to install in a car that has no other mods in it? Will i notice improvements you think over the dirty old fram i have in there now?


I had a Civic once.
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Just bought a K&N oiled filter for my RSX and threw it on 2 days ago.. Other modifications won't matter.

I noticed a difference by changing my filter. VERY minimal, but I could tell. Then again, my old filter had not been changed since I owned the car and who knows when it was changed before I had it, so it was very dirty.


Authoritah, respected.
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Dont really know. Should i just get that k and n one? Do they come pre oiled? Are they safe for someone who doesnt do much with their car? I guess i was thinking of avoiding them because i will probably be trying to sell the car in a couple years and didnt feel like cleaning and oiling them before that but if they only need to be cleaned every 50k maybe it doesnt matter.
K&N filters all come pre-oiled and ready to just drop in. Most people will notice at least a slightly improved intake feel during acceleration. But this varies by car and the maintenance of the engine. An air filter wont make a poorly maintained car magically feel better. Thats just logic. K&N are just fine for stock to slightly modified engines. Cold air intakes are only good for significantly more modified engines that suck in much more air and need less breathing restriction thus more breathing surface area as short-ram and Cold-air intakes provide with the cone shaped filters. Otherwise, such cold-air and short-ram intakes are totally useless on relatively stock engines. Just inspect the K&N yearly as Lethal6 suggested. It really does depend on average driving and local conditions. The oil is red so once you observe the filter becoming more black than red then its times to clean it.


K &n drop in ail filter will be almost as good as a aftermarket short ram
In no way, shape or form is a stock air filter better than a K&N. This is one of the few times that stock Honda parts is not a benefit. I already explained why a short ram is useless and a waste of money for stock engines.

Will i notice improvements you think over the dirty old fram i have in there now?
The first time I installed a K&N filter just after removing a dirty standard filter I felt an immediate improvement from the first engine start up. It felt noticeably more free flowing. You'll likely have a similar experience.


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Anyone here worry about fouling their MAF sensor? There seems to be people out there complaining about that with the oiled filters. Is that a real concern?


Authoritah, respected.
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Anyone here worry about fouling their MAF sThere seems to be people out there complaining about that with the oiled filters. Is that a real concern?
Ive never experienced any issues nor have i read or heard of anyone experiencing any issues with K&N filters. Perhaps some have heavily over-oiled theirs and had issues but its pretty obvious when theyre over oiled.
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I had a Civic once.
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I think you're over thinking this air filter thing a little too much.

If you are simply looking to replace a dirty air filter, any filter will do - paper or oil. You probably won't see any difference in how the car performs unless the previous filter were very dirty.

If you are looking for a GOOD filter, go with the K&N. A little more free-flowing, you may notice a difference especially if coming off a dirty filter. But you will pay for it.

With that being said, I changed my air filter to K&N last week and over the weekend took a very spirited cruise to the Watkins Glen and then bombed around on the track. 3 hour cruise averaging 85mph and then a few laps beating on her around the track... still managed to get 4 mpg better compared to when I drove it normally on a dirty air filter.


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i have heard many stories of K&N filters gunking up sensors with oil not just by human error but also brand new pre-oiled drop ins.


Authoritah, respected.
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I'd believe the "stories" when at least one of them has proof or at least a believable explanation that K&N oil was directly the culprit.


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My motorcycle has 2400 miles on it. Less than 50 miles after putting a k&n in my AIT took a s**t. Second sensor lasted about a week and one track day (totaled around 150 miles). Talked to my track buddies at the time and 3 of them had the same thing happen. Put a new sensor and a dry race filter from another brand and haven't had a problem. Bike had about 900 miles on it when the k&n was dropped in. Factory oiled and wasn't excessive.

I will never directly recommend or buy a k&n again. Porsche is against them too and we have removed a few for customers because they were f**king stuff up. Dry ones like AEM are the way to go if you are looking for reusable, IMHO.
