Back in WA, out of Hondas again (Legacy GT)


Surge Master
Registered VIP
Well I finally made it back to the PNW. So I did what comes natural up here, I bought a Subaru.

98% stock, just did a muffler delete on it. Other than maintenance I'm not going crazy on with it. It's really just going to be my daily while I go back to school.


I had a Civic once.
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Looks good! A good friend of mine had a couple LGT's. Cobb access port, downpipe and exhaust, and that thing will move.

With that being said, good luck not going crazy with it. ;)


Surge Master
Registered VIP
Well it just rolled over 170k. I've put 2k on it and it hasn't burned any oil so far. That's a good sign for these lol. There is a shop outside Spokane that sells ej257 long blocks for just under 3 grand. If things go sour I'm going that route. Until then it's just chassis refresh( bushings/wheel bearing etc) until then. Need to get an access port, they're a must for these.


Surge Master
Registered VIP
Finally picked up an Accessport, love it. Did some suspension work today too.

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Surge Master
Registered VIP
Finally picked up an Accessport, love it. Did some suspension work today too.

made those two on the rail to press out the rear bushing. The front I improvised.

New endlinks

New hub.

Car feels SOOOO much better.

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Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk


Wow that's the prettiest nice new hub I've ever laid eyes on

I guess probably because we've never owned anything even close to new and never got a new hub haha

Still, my little broken down babies are jealous (well I guess one is now operational, so that one is even more jealous)

Also for some reason I really like your rug

(That's not a weird sex remark, I mean the actual rug in those pictures)


I shave my balls, so obviously that isn't a sexual remark.

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Teehee well that solves that mystery

Man I bet it hurts like s**t if you cut yourself shaving your balls

I always want to find a bald guy and ask him if the carpet matches the drapes

You should become bald so you can tell people that (unless you're already bald in which case there's your new pickup line, you can lean out the window of that legacy and shout it at chicks - 'HEY BABY THE CARPET MATCHES THE DRAPES b***h! SUCK MY BALLZ!')
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Surge Master
Registered VIP
Can't recall any issues with that. And I'm nowhere near bald, so I'm false advertising.

Anyway back to the car. Readjusted the kartboy endlinks( my dumb ass put them at the wrong angle) and took it to get aligned. Smooth as glass up front on the highway now. Still need to do the RR wheel hub, can here it groaning during turns.

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Surge Master
Registered VIP

Also I posted this in off topic but it should go here too. Picked up this vf46 from Oregon on the cheap. Was going to rebuild and sell it for profit but I think I'll gonna put a billet wheel on it+ thermal and powder coat it then stick it on the car. Then put a simple rebuild kit on my stock vf40 and make some money off it.

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5+ Year Member
I was hoping that gravel wasn't what you meant when you said "Compared to what I lay on at the shop, that asphalt is velvet." .


Surge Master
Registered VIP
No I do have to lay in gravel sometimes or roll around in it. Usually its just to look under a truck (like an old cabover to look at a SN or something) but for extended jobs we lay cardboard and plywood down. The bays are full of engines and parts lol we can't get trucks in the there right now anyway.


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5+ Year Member
My Dad's the field service guy for his shop, so not uncommon for him to be working in the same conditions for hours on end. Not to mention doing this in the middle of a Texas summer.


Haha wow you guys are actually making me glad that I work at a shitty pizza place

It is hot as hell with no working a/c and two 500+ degree ovens but at least there's no lying down on gravel involved

Haha you should get one of those memory foam mattress covers to lay on

Then everybody else would probably call you a pansy though

(It would be out of jealously though, that they didn't come up with such an awesome idea themselves)
