Oil light flickering when running


The oil pressure indicator flickering during high revving and during travelling but not on idle? What maybe the cause?

So here’s the story, during travel, temperature of car got high and the oil pressure indicator also lit up, so, to close the overheating issue, I just replaced the head gasket and shave the head, results is no overheat again.

By the way, upon opening the valve cover, mixed up of oil and water is evident, sludge is found everywhere inside the motor.

Can anyone connect this scenario on the flickering oil pressure indicator?

Im driving a Honda Civic 1999 LXI


Authoritah, respected.
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Have you made sure you have enough oil?
Consider using Seafoam to clean out all that sludge (look it up).
Perhaps your oil pick-up tube is clogged or struggling if the sludge is that heavy.


I had a Civic once.
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First step is definitely check what HeX mentioned... are you low on oil?

Careful with seafoam, it can cause overheating (and kills o2 sensors). I actually think it's a factor as to why my old D-series engine blew years ago. Sometimes sludge / carbon build up keeps seals and gaskets in place. Get rid of that buildup and suddenly you have a head gasket leak. Since you just replaced the HG I would assume you'd be fine to use it, but ever since my debacle with it I can't recommend it to anyone else. Also, and I cannot confirm this, but heard Seafoam breaks down the viscosity of oil, causing more friction, and therefore higher temps... I don't think you'd see overheating from that though.


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First step is definitely check what HeX mentioned... are you low on oil?

Careful with seafoam, it can cause overheating (and kills o2 sensors). I actually think it's a factor as to why my old D-series engine blew years ago. Sometimes sludge / carbon build up keeps seals and gaskets in place. Get rid of that buildup and suddenly you have a head gasket leak. Since you just replaced the HG I would assume you'd be fine to use it, but ever since my debacle with it I can't recommend it to anyone else. Also, and I cannot confirm this, but heard Seafoam breaks down the viscosity of oil, causing more friction, and therefore higher temps... I don't think you'd see overheating from that though.
Pretty sure this is true, but don't quote me on that. You're supposed to change the oil after you run its course for like 100 miles or so. I never had any issues with o2's going bad, but your mileage may vary. It's not a cure all, but it can help. Just make sure you follow the directions on the bottle. Lucas oil tends to help too.

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Authoritah, respected.
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Pretty sure this is true, but don't quote me on that. You're supposed to change the oil after you run its course for like 100 miles or so. I never had any issues with o2's going bad, but your mileage may vary. It's not a cure all, but it can help. Just make sure you follow the directions on the bottle. Lucas oil tends to help too.
I definitely didnt mean to leave the Seafoam in but just do as mentioned above, which is why I suggested he look it up and consider it instead of just flat out suggesting it.


oil level - check!

The oil pressure indicator flickering during high revving and during travelling but not on idle. What maybe the cause?


Authoritah, respected.
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Is your oil level in between both dots on the dip stick? If the issue is happening while in motion then Im inclined to believe the sensor that reads oil level may be faulty. Perhaps your oil pump is just going bad, thus struggling to pick up more oil when revving. Consider inspecting the oil pick-up tube as I suggested earlier.


Surge Master
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Did you check to make sure the sender isn't loose, the vibration at high RPM and while moving is probably wiggling the sender.


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I hate that sensor. It's such a pain in the ass to remove lol.

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Main bearings
Thanks! that would be the last thing I will check.

but for now, just change oil grade from 20w-40 to 15w-40, so far so good, I think the sludge was torn apart from the screen of the oil pump, and no flickering on the oil light indicator.

next step, change the oil again after 1000 km, to remove the build up dirt from the motor.


Registered VIP
Thanks! that would be the last thing I will check.

but for now, just change oil grade from 20w-40 to 15w-40, so far so good, I think the sludge was torn apart from the screen of the oil pump, and no flickering on the oil light indicator.

next step, change the oil again after 1000 km, to remove the build up dirt from the motor.
Why such thick oil? And what do you mean by'i think the sludge was torn apart from the screen of the oil pump'?

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Why such thick oil?
>> I live in a hot country, the mechanics and tuner here recommend to use this kind of oil, also it help clean up the motor inside.

And what do you mean by'i think the sludge was torn apart from the screen of the oil pump'?
>> I mean, possibly the sludge that blocks the oil pump system/assembly has been removed by the oil that I used, I think.
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Authoritah, respected.
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Why are you assuming sludge was removed? What lead you to that conclusion?
Where do you live?
Whats the average temperature there now?
Have you considered just using a quality synthetic closer to the recommended viscosity? Synthetics dont thin out so easily like regular oils.


Using thick oil help clean the motor inside, and it's proven here in the Philippines =)

I will still shift to synthetic oil when my cleaning process is done.


Authoritah, respected.
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Using thick oil help clean the motor inside, and it's proven here in the Philippines =).
:umno:Thicker oil does NOT have absolutely anything to do with cleaning at all. That is based on facts. Look it up. I believe some information has been misunderstood on your behalf.


^ thanks =)

hmmmm ok ok, I hafta research more I think LOL

Thicker oil does NOT have absolutely anything to do with cleaning at all. That is based on facts.
by the way, I just based on what I experienced as well as many users here in my place, saw it with my own eyes and it really works. :drinking:


Surge Master
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We'll you're all wrong over there then. Oil viscosity has zero to do with its cleaning ability. Otherwise everyone would be running peanut butter weight oil to keep s**t clean. All you're doing is raising the pressure which in turn makes the oil pressure switch light turn off.

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