Headlight blue bulb question


Authoritah, respected.
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Those look like immitations of PIAA bulbs, likely chinese. Save your money and buy real PIAA bulbs instead.


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I bought sylvana ZXE bulbs for my 7th gen because i was in a hurry and needed to see... They are pretty bright but i dunno if their worth the $70 i paid. Would have gotten PIAA if i had found a local retailer on time. But i once bought really bright and really cheap bulbs for my other car on ebay. Super bright but lasted 2 months. Wasn't worth it. It may not hurt to try these, they are a lot cheaper than real PIAa's but its your risk. They arent too expensive compared to what else is out there.

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Authoritah, respected.
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I never tried no-name ebay knock-off bulbs like these, but years ago I tried several different brands, including 2-3 different Sylvania lines and I got sick of them all barely lasting over a year at $15-30 per bulb. I've had PIAAs for over two years now without a single issue yet.


I had a Civic once.
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Yeah, I had those Sylvania bulbs too.. they suck.

Retrofit is where it's at :cool:


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Yeah, I had those Sylvania bulbs too.. they suck.

Retrofit is where it's at :cool:
Sorry, what do you mean by retrofit?
I really wish i had ordered the PIAA's but i was gonna wait till i had fixed the headlamps before getting new bulbs. That keeps getting pushed back by other major repairs and things and then i just needed new bulbs to see. The ZXE's are probably 5times better than what was in there but still only what stock should be i would think... :/

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Sorry, what do you mean by retrofit?
I really wish i had ordered the PIAA's but i was gonna wait till i had fixed the headlamps before getting new bulbs. That keeps getting pushed back by other major repairs and things and then i just needed new bulbs to see. The ZXE's are probably 5times better than what was in there but still only what stock should be i would think... :/

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Retrofit is putting projectors from a different car's headlights into your civics headlamps. Basically these projectors usually already have a HID kit fitted to them. But I ordered these bulbs, I'll update once I got them and see if they're okay or not.


Authoritah, respected.
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A brief correction: there are retrofit kits that encompass all new equipment. Here's one of the most reputable sites for such kits. Many members here have used their products with great results.



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i just buy cheap bulbs, -shrug- they work


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sylvania bulbs are not brighter there just whiter the brightest legal bulbs you can get are phillips extreme. PIAA are brighter but there not dot legal and wont last as long because of the higher wattage.
