So what is the problem? Did the mechanic tell you the ECU was damaged or burnt out? An ECU does not go bad just from being unused for a while.
Hi! Good morning. I hope i can relate a short detail about our car. We bought this car from my brother-in-law who claimed that before he sold it to us, he replaced the computer box with a brand new one with Honda Dagupan. It was doing well then that was in 2013. After a year, we experienced an intermittent start up so we brought it to Shell car care. They said it was because of the alarm system. They fixed it and was running well. After a couple of months, we can not start it. Another mechanic was recommended and he changed the crank sensor and did some rewiring. We were able to use it for almost 5 months only. Because of some financial constraints, we did not have it seen by a mechanic since October 2015, so it was stuck up for months now. A month ago, we had it checked by another mechanic and he said the computer box is already damaged and there is no way to repair it. He suggested a replacement and offered us a surplus which cost 11k plus his fee of 3k. Is this ok? Thanks once more.