So I'm planning too boost my single within the next few months by at least may, I only want too run around 10lbs and get some numbers between 320-375 whp safely, I've been doing a lot of research , and I think I'm going to part it together separately versus buying hole kits. What is recommended I do that'll save me the hassle in the long run or what will help my motor handle the boost, it's a zc block jdm with z6 internals pistons and rods, and just swapped a fresh y8 head on it as well as a polished y8 intake manifold, all brand new gaskets and fresh fluids car runs like a princess, also have a stage 4 clutch I'll be installing soon that's in my backseat. has around 121k on motor and over 250 on the body , any tips or tricks would be sweet!