Problem Starting Engine


New Member
I'm a new member, and got a problem with (actually it's my girlfriend's) 2002 Honda Civic.. I had noticed that starting it always seemed weak first thing in the morning.. Seems that this problem gets worse after driving it for awhile.. She says it has a new battery, and not only that, but she had the car checked out before leaving for her annual family vacay... She is now returning home and said that she stopped to get gas and it would not start again.. Then after waiting about 10 minutes, it finally started..
I know absolutely NOTHING about her car, hence my email to you guys here at the clubCivic forum! Sure hope you might have some ideas.. My first thought was "alternator", but really not certain... Please help if you can..
Thanks in advance for any help on this.....!


New Member
Are you saying the problem is weak or no starter cranking? Or does the starter crank the engine just fine but the engine won't start?
It's the latter.. The starter seems weak and to me seems to be turning over slowly.........but always starts in the mornings.. Seems that the problem gets worse after driving for awhile.........but after resting for awhile it will usually start again..


New Member
Yes, to your first questions and no to the last one.. Have never had the battery indicator come on at all.. The only thing for sure that I can say is that driving it down the road for awhile makes trying to start it worse..


New Member
Thanks for that suggestion.. I will check that out once the car gets here.. She is on the road right now.. She called earlier, and I told her not to turn it off.........even while getting gas....=)
Thanks for your help on this...


New Member
Thanks again for your help and suggestions.. The bottom line to all of this is she made it home safely, and she said that she already has an appt to have all this looked at the dealership in a day or two.. Hope things go well in the interim...
So thanks for the help on this.. I'm sure I'll have many more questions in the future.....=)


I had a Civic once.
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she already has an appt to have all this looked at the dealership
Just a heads up, be prepared to pay a lot extra simply for bringing it to the dealership compared to your average mechanic shop. If it's not too late, I would recommend finding a reputable mechanic in your area that knows Honda's, and bring it to them. You'll likely save a bit of money.


New Member
Thanks for that heads up, and I totally agree with you.........and have informed theGirlfriend of such.. Since she bought the car, she has gone to the dealership for EVERYTHING despite my suggestions to do as you mentioned.. Oh well, I tried!
