Car won’t start after aftermarket stereo install


New Member
I installed a JVC stereo in our 2001 Civic EX, however, I forgot to disconnect the negative battery cable and ground the black wire once the stereo was hooked up. The car will click with all accessories and stereo working, but it won’t turn over. I was able to jump start the car last night, but when I attempted to start it today, all it does is click. I disconnected the negative cable, grounded the black wire from the harness coming from the stereo, then reconnected the battery cable, but no luck. I then completely disconnected the stereo, and it still clicks. I checked the ECU fuse, but it looks good. Prior to the install, I didn’t have any issues with the battery or the car not starting. What is going on?

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Use a test light to make sure the starter is receiving the signal. Could be fuse, neutral safety switch, etc need more info, auto, mods etc...

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New Member
Use a test light to make sure the starter is receiving the signal. Could be fuse, neutral safety switch, etc need more info, auto, mods etc...

Sent from my boujea ass phone
No mods, 5-spd, 4-cyl coupe.

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New Member
Sounds like the battery is dead. It’s commen during the winter.
Suppose it could be, but I find it strange that before the install, I had no issues with the battery and the car not starting. Like I mentioned, I was able to jump it last night, which took a few minutes before it would start. I then turned off the car and then restarted it. Today, it won’t turn over. I’ll have to get it tested.

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New Member
Dead battery.

You and thousands of other people in the Northern hemisphere had the same problem today.
Well, you are correct! Just had it tested and it did test bad. Do you have $130 I can borrow?

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New Member
Could prob buy one for a riding lawnmower. It might work. They are like $40. Lol.
I’ll just take it from my son’s girlfriend’s dad’s riding lawnmower from across the street, I’m sure he won’t notice.

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I had a Civic once.
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Have any Interstate battery centers near you? My buddy got one there for $50 + core charge. Cheap because they have some sort of external blemish on them but work fine. So they can't sell them to other stores, but allow people to come to them to buy. Not sure how the warranty works for them, though.


I had a Civic once.
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Just before the warranty ends, they return the battery for a new one.
Genius. When I worked at Best Buy back in 08/09, I was always forced to try to sell warranties. I didn't make commission on them. So my selling point was "Buy this laptop, then buy this 3 year warranty, then a month before it's up, throw the laptop down a flight of stairs. We will cover it, and you'll get a newer machine since we likely won't have the same model any longer". Was a good selling tactic. :lol:
