Well I've returned after about 5 years lol Just picked up a 91 crx shell to start building into a circuit car.
Needs a good bit of work but follow along and we'll enjoy this ride together.
The day I got it 5/5/18 :
Disassembled the from end 5/15/18
Picked up a K24A4. Started to tear the top end apart to give it a look. Was told it smoked a little when pulled. No big deal since I'm going to rebuild it anyway. 5/13/18
one plug is stripped but the black one is from cylinder 3
Cylinder 1
Will update as often as possible with more pics
Needs a good bit of work but follow along and we'll enjoy this ride together.
The day I got it 5/5/18 :
Disassembled the from end 5/15/18
Picked up a K24A4. Started to tear the top end apart to give it a look. Was told it smoked a little when pulled. No big deal since I'm going to rebuild it anyway. 5/13/18
one plug is stripped but the black one is from cylinder 3
Cylinder 1
Will update as often as possible with more pics