manual swapped ek coupe wont crank or release key.


New Member
hello, I am new to these forums and was hoping someone would be able to help me out with my issue that im having with my manual swapping my 2000 Honda civic.
So the issue I am having is I got the swap done, new clutch, pedals swapped, manual ecu and intake and harness and all thats left is wiring. ive read online that all you need to do to make it crank is to take the shift position thing off and to wrap the 2 thick wires together or something like that its been a while since I have messed with the car, all I can remember is the car did crank 1-2 times but it was spotty, kept coming in and out "Cranking" and the 2 wires that i wrapped were hot and smoking since then it wont crank anymore. the key still isn't able to be removed unless i take the battery out. not sure if it matters or not but the car is a 2000 Honda civic coupe, d16y8 that was auto. and all the parts i got were from a wrecked 2000 civic coupe 5 speed with the same motor and all. so at this point im not sure whats going wrong or if i missed something? ill try to get some pics of the swap and post them later.
Thanks -Ethan


since 06
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There's a cylinder inside of the ignition switch that needs to be removed in order to release the keys. As far as it not cranking you probably shorted something out. Check all of your fuses and relays and verify that all of them are connected and or functioning properly

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I had a Civic once.
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There's a cylinder inside of the ignition switch that needs to be removed in order to release the keys.
That might work, but I never had to do any of that with my auto to manual conversion.

@thatcivickid , cut the 14P plug, splice 2 black wires and the 1 black/blue wire together. This just tricks ECU to think the car is always park and will allow you to release the key. If you still have your auto cluster, once you do this, P will always be illuminated. I think D as well, IIRC.

I guess some cars also have an interlock box, and some do not. Box just needs to be removed. My car did not have this box when I did my swap.[faq]-96-00-auto-manual-swap-full-detail-44pics-1337459/


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Here's a link to how I did mine. It was a 96 do IDK if that matters any

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