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  1. XpL0d3r

    after changing alternator check engine light wont shut off

    How long did you pull the battery cables for? Pull the negative cable and let it sit for 10 minutes or so. Codes should be cleared after that.

  2. XpL0d3r

    Ok soooo. K swap Question

    Added to the title of your thread. "Ok soooo" isn't very informative; I kept it in there though :lol:
  3. XpL0d3r

    StayJdmBroo's Build

    :welcome: Looking good man! Future plans for her?
  4. XpL0d3r

    What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD

    300+ lbs, came from the ghetto of Buffalo, and kept putting her feet down when turning. Dat weight shift doe :lol:
  5. XpL0d3r

    What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD

    This. I took the class with a couple buddies. Full class, and everyone passed with the exception of the fat girl. Poor girl had to do the walk of shame back from the parking lot to the building all by herself. She was horrible though. After taking the course I was confident enough to get a...
  6. XpL0d3r

    FS: RARE EDM JDM parts DC, EF, EG, EK

    This thread is over 2 years old. Please contact the OP directly via PM with any questions. Thanks
  7. XpL0d3r

    CC Beer Thread

    Been drinking a lot of IPA's lately.... Southern Tier 2XIPA.... :yummy:
  8. XpL0d3r

    Stolen 95 Black Honda Civic EX 2 Door Coupe

    :welcome: Good luck man, and f**k thieves!
  9. XpL0d3r

    Going north , where and what to do?

    We don't take kindly to you southern folk up in these northern parts. Only kidding, we just make fun of your accents and how often you say "Y'all". Cedar point is awesome; if you like roller coasters then I'd def suggest that! If you don't like roller coasters you are a large vagina.
  10. XpL0d3r

    NewBee to Si world...

    :welcome: man! Try hitting up a junk yard near you. We try to keep this section for new member introductions only though, so if you're looking for places online, please post over in this section here. Thanks!

  11. XpL0d3r

    What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD

    Yeah mine did. idk if all models did though... I had a LX model so it was power errythang! :cool: .... except for the motor. That had no power. :roll:
  12. XpL0d3r

    Rear wheel leaned inward.

    Are you positive it's on stock suspension? See if a place that does an alignment can get it back into spec. If you're on a stock setup, they'll be able to.
  13. XpL0d3r

    Not so new guy.

    welcome back man! What are your future plans for the EM2? Need another name change? :lol:
  14. XpL0d3r

    Alternator output

    You should be fine, though your lights might dim on huge bass drops. That problem can be solved with a capacitor, though.
  15. XpL0d3r

    What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD

    Congrats man! Yeah, forums in general seem to be slacking. Social media has taken over lol. It's all good though, 99% of the douchebaggery is gone, and the good members are still here. OG's check in every so often too. ^ This. We've had a few guys stick around though which is awesome. We...
  16. XpL0d3r

    Monster spark plugs , cannot remove

    Just take it to a mechanic, who has an abundance of tools on hand and can hopefully help you out. If he can get them out without needing to pull the head I'm sure it wouldn't cost very much at all. And you'd save a ton of time and frustration lol.
  17. XpL0d3r

    What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD

    490W exit 7a... one of my favorites :lol:
  18. XpL0d3r

    new to the car scene not the mod scene

    :welcome: man! And since you already asked... I had 17's on my Civic -- didn't like them at all, and with the thin tires I could feel every bump. Switched to 16's with a little beefier tires and was much happier.
  19. XpL0d3r

    What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD

    Yeah, I think I get you to an extent. When I have a lot of stuff on my plate I get to thinking about all of it and stress myself out. Sounds like you're used to it :???: Same! I used to sleep until 11am on weekends. Now I'm usually up by 9:30; if I sleep later I wake up all drowsy and poopy...
  20. XpL0d3r

    can anybody help me identify these rims?

    ^ Thanks! Fixed the OP's pic link too. Now we can look at it twice :lol: