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  1. XpL0d3r

    ECU resets every time car is shut off

    This is what I was thinking... my friend brought the car to the guy who sold it to him since it's under warranty. He's getting it fixed for free regardless; I just thought it was a really strange issue. We'll see.. once I find out what the issue was for sure I'll update...

  2. XpL0d3r

    ECU resets every time car is shut off

    Friend just bought a 98 EX, bone stock minus a radio. He can't pass inspection because the catalytic system always says not ready. Found out power to the ECU is being lost every time the car is shut off. Replaced ECU to verify, same results. Any ideas? Never even heard of this before... lol
  3. XpL0d3r

    XpL0d3r's Build.. Rice to Swapped to Boooost ;)

    I wanted CS-II's, but they were a PITA to find for cheap. Justin (Jay Jay) has them the cheapest but not in stock and I don't want to wait because s**t is bouncy as hell. And... they'll be arriving tomorrow ;)
  4. XpL0d3r

    Get This Girl Out!!

    Saw this linked on a local forum and it's hilarious so I figured I'd help share the awesomeness: :lol:
  5. XpL0d3r

    Happy Birthday Mr. Cini-mini!!

    Haha thanks guys. John, next week? I'm back in MA for the weekend, visiting Sady this weekend to through the new Tein Basis on =D
  6. XpL0d3r

    Casey Anthony Trial

    There's no substantial evidence that she did it... but we all know she did. Kind of like OJ.... Of course this is not the way the judicial system works. You don't report your daughter missing a month later, go out clubbing, and lie to police about everything. If she was not guilty, she would...
  7. XpL0d3r

    LED gauge cluster bulbs

    Moved to interior... ;)
  8. XpL0d3r

    Rant thread

    oooh, well maybe they all watched it before it all happened. idk :roll:
  9. XpL0d3r

    What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD

    Driving home today... 4 hour drive from Rochester to Pittsfield... and today is my birfday. Yay drivingggggg. All good though, I have the rest of the week off =)
  10. XpL0d3r

    Rant thread

    I have not

  11. XpL0d3r

    Rant thread

    That's nothing. At a party once hosted by my two friends who are identical twins.. and BIG guys at that... their mom came home drunk in the middle of the party and did a couple beer funnels with us.. then went to bed. Later on, we noticed a kid... one of the twins good friends went missing...
  12. XpL0d3r

    o2 sensor placement

    ^ Correct. One sensor (primary) will be in front of the cat, and the other will be on or behind it (Secondary). This is how the ECU knows your cat is functioning properly... it will read the first sensor, and compare the readings to the second sensor. Obviously because of the cat the readings...
  13. XpL0d3r

    Fuel Pump

    You're positive the CEL is related to the fuel pump, yes? And not some code that gets thrown when the car is warmed up...
  14. XpL0d3r

    XpL0d3r's Build.. Rice to Swapped to Boooost ;)

    Thanks! Update: here's a little tiny teaser for a project this weekend... CLICKY ICKY ICKY :D
  15. XpL0d3r

    Juice's Eee Gee Ate

    Yay for a fellow swapped & auto/manual conversioneer! Build is going great man. I like what you said about switching to premium one day... I see what you did there and I like it
  16. XpL0d3r


    Car looks great bro! (both of them :lol:). Love the wheels!
  17. XpL0d3r

    Casey Anthony Trial

  18. XpL0d3r


    Personally, I'm not a huge fan of stickerbombing. Especially since usually the stickers are all random. The few decals I have on my car are one's that actually have a purpose, or something that I personally liked (clubcivic, local forum, I hate speedbumps, projectjaydem ((ask OG Petey about that...
  19. XpL0d3r

    EJ8 Music!!!!

    Moved to the off topic section, since this has nothing to do with General Tech ;)