he doesn't live in Indiana from what I know.... more like Missouri.
but that's the price you pay for dealing with someone over the net that you don't know. Nothing will happen to him.... he'll just laugh at everyon that he scammed... I hate to say that but it's true..
what do you...
you heard about that too?! I guess it's pretty bad but I don't think the oil has reached Saugatuck..... YET! That's where we docked for a while and that's also where I work... I guess the spill is pretty bad tho and I'm not sure if they even stopped it yet.
Nigger.... this mexican makes more...
yeah... I have to watch what I post because god forbid someone takes me serious and then starts crying up a storm and then the "biz is the anti-christ" threads start popping up in the mod lounge. Then 0ther mods start chiming in trying to get rid of me saying that I run this site on pure...