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  1. bizoneoeh

    You Motherfuckers

    so now you have to act real mature on a civc forum huh? The day internet nerds realize that all of this bullshit means absolutely nothing.... Will be the first day of your REAL lives. Sucks to be you! :lol:

  2. bizoneoeh

    You Motherfuckers

    well I had that but I had to do it early and sneaky.
  3. bizoneoeh

    You Motherfuckers

    I've had nothing as well either :(
  4. bizoneoeh

    honda civic motor in a boat?

    I'm not sure if this should be in the off topic or the engine tech section. I do know that it doesn't belong in this section! :lol: I'll move it but to the op... anything's possible with money.
  5. bizoneoeh

    NewBee from Seoul, Korea.

    :welcome: and I give you mad props for figuring out the correct location to post htis thread! For some, that's a hard thing to learn. :lol:
  6. bizoneoeh

    ***GREAT LAKES General Discussion Thread***

    did you guys feel the earthquake this morning? I guess it was felt all the way voer here. :???:
  7. bizoneoeh

    Spend your refund HERE!

    I love your thread title bump!
  8. bizoneoeh

    Hellaflush sedan[my daily!]

    moved to the correct location!
  9. bizoneoeh


    I know we didn't get as much snow as you guys did but a s**t ton fell over here last night. All schools are closed. :thumbdown

  10. bizoneoeh

    Last Thing You Ate?

  11. bizoneoeh

    You Motherfuckers

    "So I'll wake up and go b***h on an civic forum!" :clap: :retard:
  12. bizoneoeh

    You Motherfuckers

    yeah and imagine being a cc mod reject like yourself :oops: sucks to be you!
  13. bizoneoeh

    Need a transaltor!

    ^^well, just because I let your father give me head....
  14. bizoneoeh

    2010 Cali Active Members

    np, just let me know what you want it exactly changed to.
  15. bizoneoeh

    got a 3g civic or 1g crx?

    actually, that forum is alwas refered when someone somes in with somehting older than a 4th gen. I have a profile on there but I haven't been on there like in 5yrs. I'll sticky this tho because they come around every so often.
  16. bizoneoeh

    Need a transaltor!

    I need help translating this vid. Now, I don't need what the reporter is saying because that's perfectly clear. I need what the lady being interviewed is saying translated. NWS ADS the vid itself is totally work safe but the ads are pretty bad...
  17. bizoneoeh

    So I'm going to be a father all over again!

    yeah, you know me....
  18. bizoneoeh

    So I'm going to be a father all over again!

    Hell no!!!! :lol:
  19. bizoneoeh

    You Motherfuckers

    we don't talk about that