Thanks a lot fellas, it's much appreciated! Those bolts/nuts/washers i pieced together, but the total was about 53$ shipped.
I also just ordered a pack of 10 Grade 5 titanium nuts (purple-ish color) for my new header on it's way. I couldn't afford a real Hytech header, so I settled for a replica. It's a big tube design, almost 2" runners into a 2.5" collector.
I also started on some looming, sorry for the iphone pictures, I couldnt find my card for my camera haha.
Depinned my side marker harness and loomed it then heat shrinked it. Also did some of my drivers harness and ran it through my door grommet. (yeah I know, you wont even see it, I just feel better when everything looks good, even if it cant be seen haha)
More to come for tomorrow, stay tuned guys!