1988 civic not turning over


New Member
Hey everyone I have a 1988 civic sedan stock d15 1.5 motor dual point. Now for starters my starter has been on and off to begin with and the motor has been re done last year it's bone stock what I need help.with as my friend was driving it last night 2/28/2015. The car died on him now we had it towed to my house and as I'm trying to turn it over I here a grinding sound as if it does try to turn over but it won't. I'm not sure how else to explain it from . experience I never encountered this

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New Member
In past experiences I've found out that its a good possibility that your timing belt either slipped off or broke.


New Member
I'll have to look into it weather really isn't helping much lately. But as you can see the belt I don't think.is snapped she turned over once more but as I gas it gas my rpm didn't move it lacked and shut off after 8 seconds roughly

hatchback kid

New Member
That happened to me and my starter was extremely loose and lost connection with the ground. After I tightened everything up it worked fine


New Member
That happened to me and my starter was extremely loose and lost connection with the ground. After I tightened everything up it worked fine
Hey Hatchback kid, we're you by any chance experiencing the same as I am? Like the lack of rpm and shutting off? I picked up a new starter yesterday do hopefully it works out.

hatchback kid

New Member
I had low rpms and it sitting off then there was nothing except for a loud grinding sound and I checked the starter and it was so loose it was ready to fall off


New Member
Yea that's what I'm experiencing as well if the weather was good to me I'd lift her up and get it done but I just got the car for intention of taking my h22 swap from my 90 accord and drop.it in the ef since my accord has alot of rust now

But I will check back in as soon as I install the new starter with updates
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I had a Civic once.
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Rust is the devil. :(

Good luck, let us know how it goes!


New Member
Hey guys got my starter in she won't turn over keeps going as if if not getting enough crank but I have it currently on jump cable with my montero sport and while im.tryinf to keep turning over I hear a clicking sound as the pulleys turn where the timing is at I took the oil cap off everything in the head such as cam are moving as my neighbor is turning it over well trying any ideas


New Member
Hey guys got my starter in she won't turn over keeps going as if if not getting enough crank but I have it currently on jump cable with my montero sport and while im.tryinf to keep turning over I hear a clicking sound as the pulleys turn where the timing is at I took the oil cap off everything in the head such as cam are moving as my neighbor is turning it over well trying any ideas
If its turning over either the starter is wore out and not spinning fast enough or it jumped time

" I’d rather lose by a mile because I built my own car, than win by an inch because someone built it for me. "
