are you on f**king drugs?!?!? fmu and inline booster wont let you go over 6psi?? what the f**k are you talking about? witness to a 93 si hatch running 10psi off of a ihi rhb5 with a vortec 12:1 fmu fuel managment...for OVER A YEAR, still working perfect to this day. lets see, missing link, 50 bucks, inline booster 90 bucks, fmu 120 bucks....260 is less than the 350 for the vafc, and he wont need to get larger injectors...or a resistor box....which will raise the cost to probably around 460ish...
dont say how much psi youre going to run, say what turbo you plan to use and what hp level you wish to obtain....THEN we can figure out how much psi you need to boost at to reach the hp.
oh, and again, a fmu-missing link-inline booster will be fine. plus this wya you need larger injectors.