1st gen talon turbo, what can i use?


professional a*****e
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??? where did that come from?? Well if you get that t25, you can safely run 10psi with it. i forget the exact psi level they are set at already, might want to ask around some dsm boards.


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its not a t25 its a 14b, its bigger than the t25. but i think the factory settings on it are like between 8-10psi on the internal wastegate. u think 8-10 psi would be ok with all stock internals for daily driving? this is my first experience with turbos so i dont wanna blow anything up. oh yea.. yall are a really big help


professional a*****e
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yeah you will be fine with that setting on such a small turbo. Going into this you should know that the 14b, much like the t25, will die out at higher rpms...like 6grand. that turbo is more of a low--mid range turbo. its great for a daily driver who wants some passing power on the highway. you wont blow anything up. if you are set on using a fmu setup, you do NOT need those injectors, your factory ones are the ones you should use.


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so even if i have the injectors dont use them? and my dad is starting to have second thoughts about letting me have a turbo now that im gettin everything together.. any ideas on why a turbo is a good idea other than street racing?? lol sorry its a lil off subject


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yo green stfu a little, do some research, say homemadeturbo.com and then turbo ur car
or u gonna go boom before u even start ur engine for the first time
