New Member
I recently bought my daughter a 01 Civic LX. The previous owner told me the car was overheating and the water pump needed to be changed. Changed water pump, timing belt, and thermostat, and seem to fix the issue. A few days after she started driving it, it overheated. The expansion tank overflowed and covered the engine with coolant. Let it cool down, checked coolant, and drove the car home. I drove the car the next day to work with no issues. She drove the car to school yesterday, and it overheated again. So I drove the car last night to test it, it overheated with me, but did something that has me confused. While driving 35-40 mph down the road, the engine jerked (kind of like a misfire) then started running rough. At that point, the temp gauge started skyrocketing. When it started running rough, I put it in neutral to see if it would idle up. At full throttle, it would max out at 3000 rpms. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.