2002 Civic Si 5 lug swap


New Member
I've got a 2002 Si hatch that I want to switch to 5 lug and need some help.

The car is in dire need of new tires (especially with all this rain Texas has been getting) and I need to replace my warped rotors anyways (Houston traffic is a b***h...). I've been looking for a 2005 RSX that is being parted out to reduce the cost of the knuckles and control arms but have been unlucky. I was also came up empty when looking on RockAuto.

Am I going the right route? Do y'all suggest I look anywhere else?



Taking an H-T break
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5+ Year Member
Why the urge to swap to 5 lug?

Just saying... no one really looks at lugs anyways. Fix the rotors and pads, hit up tires.com for tires on the cheap. Save the rest of your cash for better, more effective mods


New Member
It's not just for the look. I have Evo wheels I want to put on the car that are 5 lug that would look great. I figured now would be a good time to do it since I need to replace all the parts anyways. Literally all I need are the knuckles and tires. I already have the hub assembly, rotors, brake pads, just put new struts and control arms on a few weeks ago. So if I get a 2005 RSX base model's knuckles I'd be set but I just can't seem to find them.

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New Member
Well technically it wouldn't be the honda lug pattern when I am able to put those wheels on. It will however fit the RSX lug pattern I'll be swapping mine out for.

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Taking an H-T break
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Thats alot of work just to swap wheels.. but hey.. everyone has their own projects..

Good luck with it. Post up pics.. id like to see what your workin with


New Member
Sure thing. I'm not too worried about the work =) not much else to do this summer anyways. Might as well turn my car into someone I enjoy driving around in public lol

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I was able to find 2006 RSX base model knuckles that will fit my control arms in order to do this swap (finally). The ball joints definitely need to be replaced but I'm seriously struggling to find new ball joints anywhere for this year. I found ball joints for a 2002 RSX base and from what I was able to research, these are the same ball joints used 02-06? The answers I got from google were a little unclear...

Would I be able to use 2002 RSX base model ball joints for this swap?


I had a Civic once.
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Glad to see you got the answer you needed, and sorry if those seems like a newbie question. What is the benefit for wanting to switch to 5 luggs?

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New Member
Well for me, it's just for looks. I find it easier to find the style and color of wheel I like in the 5 lug pattern rather than in 4 lug. Most cars are being made 5 lug as a stock vehicle nowadays anyways so 4X100 wheels are hard to find used and new wheels are damn expensive. I also need to replace most of the parts that need to be swapped out when doing a 5 lug swap like the wheels bearings (it's easier replace the whole hub assembly), rotors (they are quite warped due to Houston traffic), etc. so it just made sense. My boyfriend had flipped a 240 a while back that had some Evo wheels on it that I liked so I already had the wheels to do it, it was just a matter of finding the knuckles and ball joints for next to nothing.

So all in all, there isn't a performance benefit for switching to 5 lug. It just depends on your preference.


New Member
Oh well then if that's the case. Lol I was mostly just curious. I myself am new to the forum and making friends. Also I'm not looking for performance, more so greater reliability. I drive 140 miles a day 7 days a week for work so my car is very important, and I live working and tinkering with it

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New Member
Absolutely. I completely understand. I am a full-time commuter student and work full-time as well. I spend most of my day sitting in my car trying to get from one place to another. I am also focusing on reliability and frankly can't afford much downtime, which is why the fun stuff is put on hold right now, like any mods to the engine. My focus is getting all the squeaks and hums to go away and make for a comfortable ride. I replaced the suspension a while back and now need new tires and brakes. Once I fix those things, I should be sitting pretty for a while and can save up for the stuff I'd really like to do (I'm sure everyone will be hearing from me a lot come time for that). It's a great little car but has some age to her so naturally she's gonna need a little work. But hey, I got her for a steal.

What year and model Civic do you have? And what do you want to do with yours?


New Member
I have a 01 civic lx and for now I have to change the ballpoint and cv axles, wich I plan to do tomorrow when they arrive. Then next pay I need to get an alignment done. After that I should be ok as far as smooth ride, but I will want to get some new tires, maybe even if I can save up (I also have 3 growing boys, they can be expensive Lmao) I can afford to get some new rims, I just had generic style that looks like crap now. I thought about painting them or something. Then anything else that might help me get better mpg and just run more efficiently, like a cai. I think I'm in the right direction

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New Member
Oh that's right. I just saw your thread about your tire/steering issue. Not sure what they have where you are, but check and see if there are repair shops that offer lifetime alignment. We have a shop here that does it for $120, and considering one alignment from them is $60, it's a pretty good deal.


New Member
I will have to check into that. Most of what I see around here is a 6 month alignment for 90$ I'm still looking around tho I'm trying to find cheaper but don't want shortly work either

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Hello all!

Here's the latest on my task of swapping to 5 lug. We were able to start on the sanding and cleaning up the wheels. Luckily, the curb rash wasn't terrible and because of the thick primer I have, I was able to mask the occasional deep cuts in the aluminum since it filled it in quite a bit. However, after painting the first wheel, I hated it... I came into the task very optimistic thinking I could make this metallic paint look good on my wheels. Unfortunately, the metallic flakes did lay right and looked dusty and just plain dirty... My solution? Suck it up and pay to have the wheels sand blasted and powder coated. Luckily, I'll be able to snag a pretty great deal from a local company I found on Facebook. I'm looking to do a nice dark bronze color (my favorite is HWP105 bronze... Google it).

Starting to get really excited about how my car is gonna look not too long from now!
I attached a picture of my little stock car I took a couple days ago. This will be the first step of many to getting her all prettied up and looking nice.

11427938_10205267085977820_533041261_n.jpg 11421564_10205267030536434_191541736_n (1).jpg
