500 to spend


5+ Year Member
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it all depends on what you want with your car.

if its speed, i suggest you save it and wait until you have enough money for a faster setup (turbo, swap)

if its looks your going for, spend it on a full detail (nothing is nicer then a freshly detailed car)

if its luxury your going for, spend it on a nice little audio system

if you dont have it already, get a nice alarm system.

or just do a tune up :]


The ONLY Finnish-Canadian
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
do some research..... find what you want. =)

spoon egg

Teeth Doctor
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
i still stick with my first comment and say an alarm. You can have all of this nice stuff, but the day it gets stolen, will be a punch in the chest.


Some Delicious Guy
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
I agree with alarm and tune up. You can do both for $500.

You don't want to lower your car and then have engine failure or have it be stolen.

EDIT: You definitely should fix the issues in your other thread before modding.


New Member
5+ Year Member
I just did a tune up new plugs new wires new air and fuel filter oil and tranny fluid change all that good stuff and I already have a bad ass viper alarm but the issue with my idle is gonna get fixed before anything but I think after I fix the surging idle I'm just gonna swap out the intake manni for a y8 manni......drop it.....and exhaust for now what is a good exhaust system that sounds good but doesn't cost 600 bucks


captin sleep0
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the last thing you should do is save it. we are in a ressision right now, if all you kids go out and spend money we may create new job markets, making it possible for all your mommys and daddys, who got laid off from their crappy jobs, to stop leaching off the government. spend it as soon as it hits your hands it can be on anything, just make sure its made in the usa.
