over...out of nowhere
my best friend has been with 2 girls his whole life. he knocked up his girlfriend back in january and just got engaged 2 days ago i feel fukin sorry for him, and i'm losing my friend to a chick. girls suck lolyeah dude if ur not old like tony, u can be pullin snatch every where, and there are soooo many girls out there, and if ur cool u can "get on up in them", and i understand the love thing but listen
my best buddy when i was growing up, got this girlfriend when we were 15, dated her forever, then they got married when 22.... never boned another chick, where is the fun in that, whatever happen to conquering pussy, all im saying is u should be attilla the hun and get crazy on the western world
by the way my buddy who got married a year later his wife get preggers.... bye bye chance for escape
why thank you very much!what biz is so elegantly trying to say is that, while we feel sympathy for your situation, we (CC) have had many a thread like this that turn into an emo circle jerk.
http://cnj.craigslist.org/cgi-bin/personals.cgi?category=casnot quite marriage. but me and my girlfriend, been together since i was 14, beginning of freshman year. we were voted class couple and all that crap. so now, im 20, almost 6 years together and out of nowhere...its all just fallen apart. even if we get back together at some point, it will never be what it was again.
the worst part is sleeping alone...well in my case not sleeping at all now.
that's what I was getting at. there's so many f**king sluts out there and this fool's crying over one of them.Jesus Christ, you're only f**king 20.