92 Civic LX - Is $1500 fair?


out on bail
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Bulldog: Great analogy on cop and the liar.

young_: Great advice. I dont' have any friends who drive a stick, but I will post on CL to see if I can find some paid help.
No problem man, there are a lot of driving schools you could check out. I'm sure you have some in your local area. I'm looking into attending a bike class myself.


New Member
Go test a a manual from a dealer. Thats how i learned to drive stick lol. Sorry to who ever bought that civic so :rolleyes:

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New Member
You know there is a driving school in my area, but they are pretty lame. They told me flat out that they do not have people who can drive sticks nor do they have stick cars. Just posted on CL, now keeping fingers crossed.

Testing a manual from dealership sounds great, but I want to first get at least some level of experience.

I wish the rental agencies had sticks. That would have been really neat.
