92 Lude - Not a Civic OMG!


Your mom's boyfriend
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And get the cock out of your front bumper.

$lick Rick

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Wolfy said:
And get the cock out of your front bumper.
dood you must have some deep seeded homosexual issues to look at a foglight and think that in some way it resembles a "cock"


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I don't mind white rims but Motegi's, yuck


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your lude looks like s**t!!!


I'm NOT eran!
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Okay, for an update people... his paint is s**t and the car is due for a paint job. There is some paint damage on the front bumper, and hell, possibly on the hood so I'll give it to him for the bra. He doesn't care too much about the paint right now since it's in such bad condition.

White wheels aren't my deal either but they don't look as bad on a white car. I'm sure it's going to go through some changes anyway. Paint is first on the agenda I believe. Anthony, I already told you.. ditch those taillights. ;) I hear the car will also be getting a full black interior to replace the current grey interior.

Don't worry Anthony, it will come together. Look how long it's going to take me. :(


I'm NOT eran!
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Yes, I told him... tails have to go. Taillights = teh eww. he might have bought it like that though. god knows alot of CCers have had their ricer fazes anyway though.

<-- Rice less.... I was way into domextics before I even gto a car and was forced into buying a Honda. Well, just about. Rice just was not an option for me.


I'm NOT eran!
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BLAZN92 said:
your lude looks like s**t!!!
BLAZN92 said:
doesnt matter how good a car looks if it doesnt run worth a f**k
His car runs well and has a sound body. No dents. So he needs new paint and taillights, big deal. :P
