96-98 Civic Front End (post Yours)


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this should be like a sticky lol its been going on an on lol lets see more 96-98 front!!!

Road Pirate

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WOW! Ive been meaning to take a shot like that! reminds me of the shot Falken tires took of their RX7 from the rear.
Thanks man! That was the first front end shot I actually like of my car haha.
Heres a few more:



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eBay lip! I wasn't go to be the first to commit the crime. I'm going to buy a CTR lip eventually...
Shitty light covers are gone by the way...


I'm NOT eran!
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How did you wire em up that way, did you use a relay of some sort? Seems pretty odd. I wouldve just wired them up negative to negative and positive to the red constant wire on the turn signal.

Yeah, Ive seen 3 '96-98 front lips to date. All the cars were driven by regular people who probably couldn't give a rats ass about the front lip. I wanted to follow the guy and offer him $100 for it but I didnt have my keys on hand.
I might make a write up on wiring later on.

If you're saying you'd make them be on all the time... they're not supposed to be like that (it might even be considered illegal in some areas). They're not supposed to flash with the turn signals though. That's not their purpose.

Most "normal" people aren't willing to sell random car parts off their car to strangers (or at all). They think removing a piece will "break" the car or lower the value. The lip to them is part of their bumper, which would be insane to sell. $100 definitely won't cover it unless they're really broke.

They'll think you're trying to screw them over.
