96 Civic (D16Y7), Transmisson stuck in 2nd gear!!


So the other day my car decided to fully shut out on me mid gear. I own a EK Hatch(CX) with a stock D16y7 motor and trans. The car wont get out of 2nd gear. So far i have checked the shift linkage arms and made sure all the connections are good. Clutch and trans fluid are good too. The clutch still works as it still engages and disengages the gear but wont get out of second. I also have a really bad battery i need to replace!! Im really low on funds as i didnt see it coming and i need help!!



The gear shifter was stuck but i got out and and everytime i select any gear it stays and 2nd but pops them back to neutral. I havent done any work to the car lately. It just has and aftermarket exhaust, intake, and suspension setup


Yes I honestly do, but safely with no grinds or pops.


I had a Civic once.
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Yeah, Y7 transmissions are pretty weak when it comes to taking abuse.

Since you said the trans fluid is good, likely your 2nd gear set is chewed up.
