97 Civic good car to learn manual?


5+ Year Member
I've been shopping for a car and ran into a 97 Civic for sale which seems pretty neat (and I have fond memories of my parents Civic as a little kid, and understand they are tough and fuel efficient cars which are very desirable traits), however, it is a manual, and I've never driven a manual (I've ridden motorcycles which were manual, but, I don't think thats the same thing)

I've heard manuals are more fuel efficient so that sounds not undesirable, but, is a 97 Civic a good car to try learning on?


it's okay to learn on i suppose. The lack of torque makes it a little bit harder to launch i would say, that might make it a small bit harder to learn, but nothing terrible. If you can shift a motorcycle then you already have the hardest part of driving a stick down... the timing between clutch and gas.

just my 2 cents


I had a Civic once.
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It's a perfect car to learn on.

The car I learned on was.... a 97 Civic :thumbs up
