Yuh. RIP, not so sure that stuff should be on TV either. I KNOW that wouldnt fly in America, but we're all overcensored wusses anyway.Originally posted by 92CivicVX
damn , that is one f**ked up vid to know the guy dies
Originally posted by B18C1R
The guy who died is one of my cousins friend and what we see on the video is only a little part of the whole video.He tried it twice before he crashed the third.The other two times,he landed in the left lane and almost rammed another car going the opposite way.The third time he tried a bit to hard by going at 125 mph.He was only 19 at the time....and maybe to immature to drive that kind of car.I know what he did was very stupid but i still miss him
The other two times,he landed in the left lane and almost rammed another car going the opposite way
I agree^^^Originally posted by TurboCane
What an idiot for even trying something that stupid on a public road....and without the proper saftey equipment. I'll say a prayer for his family because of the hardship they are going through.........but he shouldn't have even attempted that.