adjust boost/psi on internal wastegate???


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Wait a minute :???: was it at 8 psi already? If it was then that's fine for a motor with stock internals especially if it's a t25, that's a f**kin small turbo yo. All I know is tho, if you make that rod bigger then you will up the boost. If you want to lower the boost you need to CUT THE ROD not add s**t to it :lol:

even 10psi wouldn't be s**t with that small turbo, you can run that with stock internals fine just as long as you have it tuned ;)


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u guys are right.. its being a pain in the ass. Everytime I have to adjust it, i have to pull the whole mani just to get to the thing. Its either running too much boost, or lagging like crazy... GRRR!!!

Link to my buildup:


Stickin it to the Man
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hes trying to lower the boost, not raise it
