Aftermarket Headers


Too Slow For You!
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Originally posted by Resume Stylez
Nice. How's the aftermarket headerSSSS workin' for you?
really well, actually, i was quite surprised at the difference...sounds way meaner too :lol:

Resume Stylez

Needs some go fast stuff
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That's cool. I want an aftermarket header for my car. Too bad they don't have aftermarket parts for it yet. Well at least I don't think they do. Stupid new cars.

Resume Stylez

Needs some go fast stuff
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You can correct me if I'm wrong. I've just been lazy and not lookin'. Lol


Too Slow For You!
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Im sure they do...but tell ya what, i'll trade u motors then u may have my header with my motor, k?
hehe ;)


fa' sheeez
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Originally posted by Resume Stylez
I want an aftermarket header for my car. Too bad they don't have aftermarket parts for it yet.

'02 civic si? wow


fa' sheeez
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did u get em at a junkyard or something? and would any regular old paint work or do u need special paint taht can withstand the heat
bought headers from a friend that did an engine swap and took off all his aftermarket s**t...40 bux whatadeal.....and what do you think about the paint....? do your headers get hot...if you dont know, try touching them, or see how long you can hold onto the oxygen know im joking. ummmm....duplicolor or sumpin makes a 1200* paint that i used on my muffler, but that way further down stream. my friend used the 1200 on his turbo and it is just evaporating off. i went to oreillys and found something called VHT 1500* Flame Proof...seems to be doing fine....(spots are from knicking it with a wrench cuz i had to take them off and on many times...will touch up in future.)


Dr. Civic
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Ok im Pretty much a noob but i have been wonder to install header does it cost alot of money from any avg place becuase i wasnt sure if they hadda lift the motor to do this? help
they are simple, its like 9 bolts on the head and their are a few under the car for brackets and the collector. if you have a jack and can put your front end up it shouldnt take long...i wasnt able to get the oxygen sensor out of my stock manifold but supposedly you can. once the old ones are off gently clean the mating surfaces of the header and the head (no debris insdie head) get a new exhaust gasket and bolt them up (primaries first if they are 2 piece) finger tight and then torque from the middle out staggering up and down and alternatingside to side, only turn like 1/4 turn past tight....breaking studs is b***h ass, but if nothing goes wrong maybe 2 hours at most, less than an hour if your good. dont pay anyone, its too easy a job have a friend help.


fa' sheeez
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yeah no s**t the headers are hot i was just wondering about what would happn to the paint if it wouldnt withstand the heat and how hot it actually gets so i can select the right paint

thanks for all your info though


Too Slow For You!
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ya dude its ez, tyke and i put it on in the garage in about an hour
