Searched for a thread, may have overlooked it. Went and saw this the other night in 3d. Holy s**t was it ever cool! Re-assured me Tim Burton is one genius tripped out motherfucker. I'm not sure if it would've been as cool if it wasn't 3D.
it was still pretty cool in non 3d. i had a free pass for two at the local theater. and didnt feel like driving 30 miles to the other one and then paying out the ass to get in and get snacks. but the movie was good. still not going to pay out the ass to see it in 3d though.
I saw Avatar in 3D and liked it, I took my bro and my son. I'm a jarhead myself, so I knew I was going to end up watching it in the theaters. I think 3D movies take entertainment to a whole new level. The extra doe was well spent IMO. I believe the original Alice in Wonderland can never be duplicated. Maybe I'll watch the remake some day on shrooms.
my favorite part of the whole movie was Anne Hathaway's character. f**kin cracked me up. over all movie was alright, i prolly wont buy it but its bette then most of the other s**t in theaters right now.