

CCCC #27
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What I learned from that awesome movie is how when you use NOS everything around you gets blurry, and you can shift a five speed manual like ten times.


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hahahhahhahahahah yeah thats funny.....


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NEED to know..................................???????????


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haha... funny, barbie!!
this is just the same old story all over again, though.
someone thinks "that sounds cool" and wants to make a movie about it. that someone then discovers it's not really all it's hyped up to be, but can still be used as film material. that someone makes the movie and "hollywoods" it up to the acceptance of the general public. the "real guys" that know how things really are done, dismiss the movie as "they just don't know anything!". the public gets interested in the thing the movie was depicting, but get dissed by "the real guys" because the believed "that fake movie".

come on. it's been done over and over. get over it guys. movies are just that... movies. not facts of life. anyone seen "hackers" while being a computer freak? anyone seen "ER" and knows a thing or two about medical stuff? anyone seen "hardcore" startrek fans releasing "this was wrong in the last movie" just after a new startrek movie came out? it's been done before and it will be done again. the thing is reality isn't movie material. you "got to" spice it up to make it sellable, hollywood style! how many people do you think would have seen "hackers" (an old classic, inaccurate "hacker" movie) if it depicted a hackers life, without any inaccuracies at all? man, i tell you, you would be bored to death after the first 15 minutes. whoever would sit through the whole movie would be "hardcore" hackers that could say afterwards "i know exactly what they meant, man! you don't know anything because you didn't understand it!!".. and then laugh in some nerdy way through their noses. i tell ya.

so stop complaining. ofcourse it was lots of inaccuracies in F&F! no doubt about it. but the director wanted to show "the cammeradery" that goes on between the import-tuning/styling people. that they are smart guys with hot chicks. the hot chicks are starting to come round (i hope! :D), and i have to agree with the rest. there are a lot of smart people into this (hence all the professional websites and events organized, across the borders and all over the world), and the cammeradery is exceptional. there are a lot of talented people into this, but there are ofcourse bad apples too. nothing new there.

but i have a recomendation. don't diss the guys that want to check out this after having just watched F&F. instead of that, guide them on the "right path". most organisations can only DREAM about the amount of "recruits" we have had flocking to us in the last couple of years. F&F made the people interested in car tuning and styling. now let's us teach them a thing or two about how it's really done. if their interest is real, i will do what i can to help em out.

and no... i have no idea how you can blow the welds on the intake manifold!! :D


What's Up Denny Neagle?
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did it turn more people onto import tuning or did it turn more people off?


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No, it made every rich b***h daddys boy get a damn 92-95 civic, and try to copy my f**king car cuz it looks like its from "the fast and the furious", cept my car was done long before the damn movie. O well, its still faster atleast.


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O, BTW, altezzas are :pimp: ghey. But I must admit, if you get the right ones with the right bodykit, they can look good. But only for a show car.

Mr. Lin

Admiral Ackbar
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would you consider carbon fibre altezzas on a black 95 civic with slate grey konigs "the right ones?"


the white hatch
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i never really like altezzas, but just about a month ago i went to the shop and picked some up!!! hahahahha, they dont look too bad.


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ah thats a good example, close to stock look but just a bit more stylish


ALWAYZ OutaUrLeague
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their chezzy pieces of plastic, if you like it , go for it, gay or not. its your money. KEEP MODIN


Rice 4 Life
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One of my friends has a silver eclipse, the second to newest body style i dunno eclipse generations but he got a altezzas on his ride and they dont look half bad but on some cars its groos
