Andy's Autosports Saga Continues


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I figured he needed a fresh post to get a response. As you may or may not know, ComCool has had a hell of a lot of trouble with this vendor. For more info, check out these threads:

Anyway, here is the newest development:

Hey CC

I need you're help again. It has been one month and still no parts. They keep telling that there distributor informed them that they will deliver by Friday, and that I can mail them for a tracking number Monday. Then they tell me that it have been delayed to next Friday and so on…. I mailed them several times for the tracking number, but they don't answer back.

The person who is handling my order now is named Irene here direct mail is
Best Regards

Help him out...send them a note. I'll write something up - at the very least, just copy and paste it to them - strength in numbers.


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Dear Irene,

I am a member of a relatively large (nearly 20,000 members) online import community, and it has come to our attention that one of our members has a LONG outstanding issue with your company. He spent a great deal of money (on the order of $2000), only to receive incorrect parts and poor customer service.

His order numbers are 16052, 16053, 16054, and 16055. Please understand that you continue to receive great deal of criticism in our community, as well as several others across the web. You have been listed in the "Where Not To Buy From" portion of our site, and without resolution, you will remain there.

This situation has gone from bad, to worse, to absolutely ridiculous. We will take any measures necessary; at this point, LEGAL action if necessary, to resolve this issue. Thanks for your time.

[your name here]


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I have had dealingswith them with a guy named robert ext 107 .. he seems pretty cool maybe he will help you...


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email I sent...

Dear Irene and Eric,

I am a member of a relatively large (nearly 20,000 members) online import community, and it has come to our attention that one of our members has a LONG outstanding issue with your company. He spent a great deal of money (on the order of $2000), only to receive incorrect parts and poor customer service.

His order numbers are 16052, 16053, 16054, and 16055. Please understand that you continue to receive great deal of criticism in our community, as well as several others across the web. You have been listed in the "Where Not To Buy From" portion of our site, and without resolution, you will remain there.

This situation has gone from bad, to worse, to absolutely ridiculous. We will take any measures necessary; at this point, LEGAL action if necessary, to resolve this issue. Thanks for your time.


P.S. I am glad I have found out about this company before I ordered a bodyt kit from you all. It was unfortunate that it happened to be one of our fellow Club Civic members that had to go through this. But be assure it will be known. I suggest you cater to his needs as much as possible, and correct your mistakes and failure to provide the utmost customer service available for this industry.


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what they're reply is to me:


Maybe a little bit more information would be in order. What club you're from, who this individual is, what is the problem you are referring too, etc?

You have to remember that there are two sides to every story, if you are going to automatically side with one of your club members and not hear the our side then you're sadly mistaken. We always try to resolve all issues so both parties are happy, so if you are going to mediate this issue between our customer and us then I'll await further word.

Jalal M.
Andys Auto Sport
1666 S. Main St. Suite#A
Milpitas, CA 9503
T: 800-419-1152
F: 408-263-9526


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They again moved my account to another person, this time his name is Jalal.M @ They are just playing hot potato. They don’t even want to give me something for free to compensate for all the trouble.
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heres whut i mailed them

I work with a person who ordered parts from you a few months ago. from what he has told me, you have not been compliant, or co-operative with him in the least way. we are part of a large online import community, and it has been decided that if he does not get his parts or a refund, we will inform the BBB, and until he gets a refund, or his parts, we will continue to tell people not to buy from you. He spent a great deal of money (on the order of $2000), only to receive incorrect parts and poor customer service. His order numbers are 16052, 16053, 16054, and 16055. Please understand that you are receiving a great deal of criticism in our community, as well as several others across the web.
You also claimed that you could not match your competitors prices, because you would lose moeny. think about this - if people stop buying from you, you will lose a great deal more, then if you do match your competitors prices. You should also think about customer service, if you dont have happy customers, then you will soon have no customers at all. You have been listed in the "Where Not To Buy From" portion of our site, and without resolution, you will remain there. Thanks for your time.

heh whut u think. i took steves message ad changed it a little

ill let u know what they email me back


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I would recommend posting here before you write them so we can proof read. Many of these posts look very unprofessional and resemble that which a 3rd grader would write. Number 1 rule of thumb, never capitalize legal. They aren't intimidated. Their lawyers make more money than yours.


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what they sent me this morning:


We are in the process of getting his order completed. I am actually on top of his account, the funny thing is a lot of the things he posted doesn't make sense.

1. We will not lower invoice prices for him to pay less shipping tax, because it's ILLEGAL. We don't tell any of our customers that we will do that, because it's against policy.

2. We ship it to the closest "port" to him, so unfortunately if he lives out on the country side, he's going to have to drive to the ports and pick it up, or find a way to get it shipped to him.

3. I will admit that we did send him wrong parts, and I have current invoices waiting for his two bumpers to arrive here, once they do we will send them out. Unfortunately, we are the middle men on this one, waiting for our distributor to send us parts so we can get his order fullfilled. If he would have ordered parts we manufactured here in house I can get them out ASAP, but I don't have control over other peoples practices.

4. We definitely don't appreciate his "snipping" of emails to make him look like a victim, if he would of posted the full email then the truth would be seen but instead he projects a false image of our company. If our Boss Eric gave him a "date" parts would ship and he emails every other day saying, "Is it still good?" "Everythings fine" etc, we are not going to babysit him day by day, we told him a date and we will stick to that because it's what the distributer gave us.

Like I said before, because one customer is upset you cannot blame a company that deals with hundreds of customers a day, it's not like he's in the United states where it's easy to contact him via telephone so we can resolve it quickly, rather day by day through email. Unfortunately the time difference has a lot to do with it, which makes contact harder, you know and I know email is very unpersonal.

I'm already on top of his order, and my company is trying everything we can to get his parts shipped out to him. If you have anymore questions email me back.

Jalal M.
Andys Auto Sport
1666 S. Main St. Suite#A
Milpitas, CA 9503
T: 800-419-1152
F: 408-263-9526


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what i sent in reply:


I am glad you are getting his order straightened out. As for your company I realize one unsatisfied customer does not speak for an entire community. However, I have read much on your company and actually did a full research and found that there are many complaints made to your company and was recorded with the California BBB. Not only was it in great in numbers but the issues seem to be unresolved. Many of them has been kept on open due to your company not responding to the complaints. I would not send an email without doing research. I realize there are two sides to the story and it is unfortunate that I have found out not one but many people complaining about your company. Not only did the mentioned customer post negative feedback on your company but I have seen throughout the web your company's name coming up negative. You may want to do some research if in the case that those are false. You may endure some great loss if those feedback was or is certainly true. Good Luck to your company.




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Squintz said:
I would recommend posting here before you write them so we can proof read. Many of these posts look very unprofessional and resemble that which a 3rd grader would write. Number 1 rule of thumb, never capitalize legal. They aren't intimidated. Their lawyers make more money than yours.
So my message looks like a third grader wrote it, ey? You're an idiot. How do you have any idea who I am, what law firm I deal with, or what their capabilities are?


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steve8091 said:
So my message looks like a third grader wrote it, ey? You're an idiot. How do you have any idea who I am, what law firm I deal with, or what their capabilities are?
If you will notice my original post, the third grader statement was a totally separate sentance from the legal statement. Two separate statements. Also known as, not related. Also known as, not talking about you.

Watch who you call an idiot, f**kwad, and make sure the person is actually talking about you.

And if you must know, my qualifications are as follows:

1. Work very closely with the legal department of the second largest domain registrar in the world
2. Answer these emails of 20 year old broke kids threatening legal action all day long, while we have a clause somewhere in our agreements protecting our ass.

However, since you brought it up, I sure hope you aren't working for a law firm because:

The $8 an hour customer service rep that you are writing to threatening to sue the pants off could care less if you sue the company.

You state you are from a community, yet state no resources. Its easy for me to say I'm the president of the united states and not back it up, to try to intimidate you.

"Please understand that you continue to receive A great deal of criticism in our community"

" as well as several others across the web" - Again, not stating sources.

What... Do you answer the phones at the law firm and think that makes you qualified?

Dear Steve,

I have a website where everyone hates you. In fact, there are quite a few places on the web dedicated to solely bash you. I'm not going to name any, however, trust me, they are out there. Please satisfy our request now, or I will SUE THE HELL OUT OF YOU.


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That Allot of BS. Why would I sit here and lie, I have every single mail from them.

1) They where going to do a 50% reduction on the invoice. My parts were only half insured because of that, and they asked me if i was okay with that! And I quote everything!

From Sonya: “Okay, that sounds great. I'll find out the shipping prices and see what I
can do about the invoice value and let you know tomorrow.”

From Sonya: “I don't know what happened. I checked your invoice and it was done as we agreed. It was very clearly noted on the page to reduce the value by 50%, so as far as I can tell, everything was done as we planned (at least on this end). I can't find any evidence of any change made to the 50% reduction when your shipment was packaged, so I don't see how there could have been a problem.

From Eric the manager: “In terms of Sonya's effort, I assure you there is no reason to question it. She came to me personally regarding the invoice price and regarding the mailing of a copy of your invoice and left it in my hands. The invoice was mailed, and in the end, we were not able to reduce the invoice for tax purposes because it is against the law.”

2) They should have shipped it to Billund airport, witch is 30 min from where I live. They shipped it to Copenhagen airport witch is the other end of Denmark. And what do he know about Denmark and where I live, I have been to the US, and know how things are there, can he say the same?

3) I notified them about the wrong parts the 6-7-04. And come on, it doesn’t take that long to get me the right stuff.

4) First of Eric never gave me a date on when I would get my parts. He told me that he could take care of it, and never answered back. 1 month goes bye, still no answers, then all you guys starts to send them mails, and then some girl named Irene mails me telling me that she will take care of it. She then gives me all the s**t about tracking numbers week after week, but I never get one. And I’m like pissed, because if there a problem with the delivery date they could at least inform me about it! They then move my account to Jalal yesterday, that’s the 4ed person handling my account.
And the s**t about babysitting just pisses me off. Yes, I get worried when I here nothing in 2 weeks, when I paid allot of money.
And when a person tells me 1 week that they will have my parts Friday, and that I can get a tracking number Monday, and then tells me the same the next week. One week goes buy no response about the tracking number – yes then I get worried. And when you order s**t from the Internet, funny enough people communicates by email. So if they can’t handle that, then close the f**king website.
But they should try to order s**t from Denmark, and get that same shitty service, and go true 5 month of hell, and get babysitting thrown in there f**king faces. That why it’s illegal in Denmark to take money from peoples accounts before the customer has received whatever he ordered!

And to top it off, Jalal told me 2 days ago, that he would have some answers for me yesterday. And guess what, I haven't heard anything yet! I have a degree in business and communication, and what they call babysitting we call service around here!

I will gladly forward any mail, if anyone doesn’t believe me, I knew they would try to make up s**t like that, that’s why I saved every single email!
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Squintz said:
If you will notice my original post...
Again, you are an idiot. I'm not going to sit here and argue on the internet. You have no idea who I am or what I do, and I don't feel the need to explain it to you.


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steve8091 said:
Again, you are an idiot. I'm not going to sit here and argue on the internet. You have no idea who I am or what I do, and I don't feel the need to explain it to you.
So you'll call names online, but you won't debate. Very grown up.

You're a stupid head! Leave me alone! *runs away*

And unless you're a liar, you're a mechanical engineer. I don't believe a single law class is in the curriculum.
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Squintz said:
So you'll call names online, but you won't debate. Very grown up.

You're a stupid head! Leave me alone! *runs away*

And unless you're a liar, you're a mechanical engineer. I don't believe a single law class is in the curriculum.
Dudes leave it already, and go watch some Jerry Springer! What ever you’re opinion is to what steve8091 did, the thing is it was enough to get there attention and he took the time to help me out! And if you’re so all mighty King Dingeling, then you can just call them up and have my parts her tomorrow can’t you!


Lock It Up!
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man if i was you i would really try to do a chargeback on your credit card. the vendor has clearly not fullfilled the order that you paid for. and are clearly not "doing everything in theiir power" to correct it. sorry to say but the BBB will not shut down their business, they just give bad reviews. u've spent so much time already trying to get answers from these guys so i would say your best bet is to spend some time on the phone w/ your credit card co. it can't be that different than credit cards here in the US. if the chargeback finally goes through, i doubt that ANdy's will even bother picking up the parts they already sent you. not to say scam them but once u get your $$ back on your credit card they will have to cut their losses. thats their fault for messin up the order so badly and letting it go on for so long


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HiGH_CiTY said:
man if i was you i would really try to do a chargeback on your credit card. the vendor has clearly not fullfilled the order that you paid for. and are clearly not "doing everything in theiir power" to correct it. sorry to say but the BBB will not shut down their business, they just give bad reviews. u've spent so much time already trying to get answers from these guys so i would say your best bet is to spend some time on the phone w/ your credit card co. it can't be that different than credit cards here in the US. if the chargeback finally goes through, i doubt that ANdy's will even bother picking up the parts they already sent you. not to say scam them but once u get your $$ back on your credit card they will have to cut their losses. thats their fault for messin up the order so badly and letting it go on for so long
Can't do that, the credit card company can only do that if it has been less then 64 days from the day the money was taken from my account. And it has been way more then that. Andys Autoparts take you’re money before they order you’re parts, so it takes along time before they get the stuff, and it arrives here in Denmark, so I can check if the parts is right.
And I wouldn’t get my $700 I spend to get the parts true customs back either. ;)


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ComCool said:
Andys Autoparts take you’re money before they order you’re parts, so it takes along time before they get the stuff
For future reference.... no 'credible' company takes your money until your parts are shipped out, whether they have them in stock or not. Parts billing, shipping, and exchange of tracking numbers all happen the same day/time if the company is credible.

When I order something, I check my credit card balance daily... sometimes multiple times a day... if I'm billed before I see a shipping/tracking confirmation email, I jump on that company immediately, and threaten to have my credit card company retract payment, and go elsewhere for parts.... THAT gets attention, and gets things done in a hurry.

I hope you can at least get some of your money back from this, man... good luck.
