anyone else notice....

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The Silver Bullet
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there's no more fight left in here to argue and/or discuss about. everything's been said to an extent.

People stop bitching,
Member's make good use of the report button,
Mod's keep doing a good job,
jayjay.... idk about that :???:
CC must now go Green.

Which brings up a good question.
why doesn't the site sometimes go along with certain Normal day holiday's etc.? like we have a snow man or Santa in a civic on top of the site. let's be f**king jolly people!

i would of loved to see a turkey about to get run over by a member's ride as the banner for thanksgiving. I would of even been happy to supply thing's of that nature to give the site a more "always up to date" feel
Like said before JayJay is the only one with access to edit the actual site. As I understand he is a very busy guy.


I Tap JdmPrncss
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i completely understand that, but like i said, if he's so busy why not give one of the mod's or someone qualified the option to keep the banners updated.

hmm something ill suggest to him when i see fit to discuss

got traction

i rock the sohc
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Which brings up a good question.
why doesn't the site sometimes go along with certain Normal day holiday's etc.? like we have a snow man or Santa in a civic on top of the site. let's be f**king jolly people!
there use to be snow that fell on the home was a couple years ago though....


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I guess some people take this site way too serious. People, it's the INTERNET.
Sure some noobs get out of control with the "dumb threads" that we consider "dumb" cause those have been covered already like 49845154 times. Eventually they will get the hang of it, like we did when we were noobs.

I see it plain and simple.

You don't like the site, don't join.
You don't like a noob "dumb thread" don't post on that thread, by ignoring that thread, he would know it was a "dumb" one to begin with.
You feel the site is going downhill, do something to improve it by making good topic threads.

and by bitching and calling out people it's just gay.

REMEMBER: IT'S JUST A f**king INTERNET WEBSITE(which I enjoy to be a part off)


New Member
5+ Year Member
I guess some people take this site way too serious. People, it's the INTERNET.
Sure some noobs get out of control with the "dumb threads" that we consider "dumb" cause those have been covered already like 49845154 times. Eventually they will get the hang of it, like we did when we were noobs.

I see it plain and simple.

You don't like the site, don't join.
You don't like a noob "dumb thread" don't post on that thread, by ignoring that thread, he would know it was a "dumb" one to begin with.
You feel the site is going downhill, do something to improve it by making good topic threads.

and by bitching and calling out people it's just gay.

REMEMBER: IT'S JUST A f**king INTERNET WEBSITE(which I enjoy to be a part off)


Ex-Gang Member
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??? and you knowledge of how this site is run comes from????
and him posting matters to you how?....

this is a prime example of why this site gets shitty sometimes. members worry too much about what others post even tho it has nothing to do with them. So thanks for trying to make this site shitty with your drama. The thing is that you're just making yourself look stupid and sorry.

and with that being said......


Has returned ;-)
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... with that being said i will sing us a song!

This is the thread that nev-er ends!
Yes, it goes on and on, my friend!

Some people start-ed arguing, not knowing who was right,
But they'll continue arguing, even just for spite...

Yes, this is the thread that nev-er ends!
It just goes on and on, my friend!

Some members fought the moderators, and the brand new 09 noobs.
Then they called then names, but in the end they are just boobs!

Yes, this is the thread attacking biz!
It just keeps getting filled with all this shiz!
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