Welcome to the 8th installment of the “Attack the Dragon” event! Support has grown and continues to grow, and we appreciate everyone who makes the trip! The date is set at October 10, 2015!
Like every year, we will be having lunch prior to the event. This info will be updated as we are in talks with our sponsor, Fontana Village Resort, to cater our lunch event. Timeline will continue to be the same, lunch at about 11am and cruise to follow.
Great things are happening this year! We have become an authorized dealer for Amsoil products, which need NO elaboration. The results speak for themselves! Let us know if we can assist you!
And likely the biggest news, we have taken on several sponsors for this year’s event! Please take the time to consider and support them as they are supporting us!
We would love to introduce you to and thank the following:
Amsoil – http://www.amsoil.com/index.aspx?zo=5374758
KillBoy, The ORIGINAL Tail of the Dragon Photographer – www.killboy.com
Fontana Village Resort – www.fontanavillage.com
Ridipulous – www.facebook.com/ridipulous
As part of the sponsorship from Fontana Village Resort, we have been offered the following rate:
$99 for a Lodge Room with two queen beds or one king bed
$109 - 1BR/BA Willow Cabin
$139 - 2BR/1BA Hemlock Cabin
$209 - 2BR/2BA Azalea Cabin w/ Fireplace and Whirlpool
These rates require a minimum 2 night stay. To make reservations call 828-498-2211 and mention "Attack the Dragon 2015" to get the group rates. Also, to view the accommodations, please visit http://www.fontanavillage.com/.
Please consider using them being that they have chosen to support us! But also, they are offering GREAT rates that will hard to be matched, especially considering the accommodations!
Just a highlight of what you will see!
As always, NO racing or asshat business will be tollerated. If you feel the need to act a fool, we will ask you to leave our group. We have had no issues thus far, thus our ability to start creating relationships with local businesses, and we wish to continue to grow this! If our request for you to depart is ignored, LEO's are always near. But enough of that talk, lets get together and have a great weekend!
Like every year, we will be having lunch prior to the event. This info will be updated as we are in talks with our sponsor, Fontana Village Resort, to cater our lunch event. Timeline will continue to be the same, lunch at about 11am and cruise to follow.
Great things are happening this year! We have become an authorized dealer for Amsoil products, which need NO elaboration. The results speak for themselves! Let us know if we can assist you!
And likely the biggest news, we have taken on several sponsors for this year’s event! Please take the time to consider and support them as they are supporting us!
We would love to introduce you to and thank the following:
Amsoil – http://www.amsoil.com/index.aspx?zo=5374758
KillBoy, The ORIGINAL Tail of the Dragon Photographer – www.killboy.com
Fontana Village Resort – www.fontanavillage.com
Ridipulous – www.facebook.com/ridipulous
As part of the sponsorship from Fontana Village Resort, we have been offered the following rate:
$99 for a Lodge Room with two queen beds or one king bed
$109 - 1BR/BA Willow Cabin
$139 - 2BR/1BA Hemlock Cabin
$209 - 2BR/2BA Azalea Cabin w/ Fireplace and Whirlpool
These rates require a minimum 2 night stay. To make reservations call 828-498-2211 and mention "Attack the Dragon 2015" to get the group rates. Also, to view the accommodations, please visit http://www.fontanavillage.com/.
Please consider using them being that they have chosen to support us! But also, they are offering GREAT rates that will hard to be matched, especially considering the accommodations!
Just a highlight of what you will see!
As always, NO racing or asshat business will be tollerated. If you feel the need to act a fool, we will ask you to leave our group. We have had no issues thus far, thus our ability to start creating relationships with local businesses, and we wish to continue to grow this! If our request for you to depart is ignored, LEO's are always near. But enough of that talk, lets get together and have a great weekend!
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