b18a boosted?


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b18b boosted?

hey I know this proably has been asked many times but, what's the most I can boost on a stock block with cp 8.8:1 pistons and pauter rods and stock crank?


Spoolin single cam!
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400 cagillion psi

what are your hp goals?


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ryan89crx said:
400 cagillion psi

what are your hp goals?

much as I can go without blowin the motor, or and what kind of fueling system should I use?


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ryan89crx said:
what are your hp goals?
you can go 300hp and blow the motor, or 500+ and run awsome. No one can give you a number, and if they do they are guessing. Whats your turbo setup? Whats your HP goal?


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swappedcx said:
you can go 300hp and blow the motor, or 500+ and run awsome. No one can give you a number, and if they do they are guessing. Whats your turbo setup? Whats your HP goal?

I'm thinking

3" inlet Diamenter /2"Outlet
0.63 A/R Cold
0.60 A/R Compressor
0.63 A/R Turbine
57 Trim
Turbine Wheel: Exducer 2.48" / Mayor :2.89"
Compressor Wheel : exducer :2.07" / Mayor 2.36"

250 walbro fuel pump
450cc injectors
hondata with p28 ecu

Inigo Montoya

powered by boost
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Need larger injectors (550+)
740 cubic inch intercooler
2.5" charge piping
3" exhaust
upgrade your camshafts
equal length tubular / perhaps topmount
oil catch can for all your blow-by
TIAL external WG


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Boost the s**t out of it and tell us where is blew up so we can have a definitave answer lol.


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Agood1286 said:
Boost the s**t out of it and tell us where is blew up so we can have a definitave answer lol.
Oh ok, do this, f**k some gay dude and tell me what STD's you have.:no:


boosted ftw
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haha lets all be nice. sleeve the motor too. a/f ratios are KEY to not blowing a motor.


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I though of doing that but, I'm curious. If I put cp pistons, pauter rods and balance the crank. With a 11:1 compresion and a t3/t4oe turbo with the a/f at 12.7:1. What's are my limits/possibilities? Oh and, to keep it realiable because it's a DD.

Inigo Montoya

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jason_guy_yeah said:
I though of doing that but, I'm curious. If I put cp pistons, pauter rods and balance the crank. With a 11:1 compresion and a t3/t4oe turbo with the a/f at 12.7:1. What's are my limits/possibilities? Oh and, to keep it realiable because it's a DD.
6 psi or less. seriously.

reconsider your CR guy... 10 MAX y0.


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I was thinking of crome on the ecu but, I think I'll go hondata s200 and bring it to the dyno. And have them tune it. I really don't wanna have to adjust my fuel and timing tables and do run's over and over...eghh

Inigo Montoya

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heh.. find a shop that tunes crome pro.... out here in the NW we have many many good tuners that use crome


Honest Officer,That Fast?
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Super dave from the whip factory is the nearest one I know of


Honest Officer,That Fast?
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jason_guy_yeah said:
I don't think I get what you mean
super dave is a tuner that uses crome, and he is the only one I know of thats close to STL


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budget_crx said:
super dave is a tuner that uses crome, and he is the only one I know of thats close to STL

where and how would I get hold of him? thanks


Honest Officer,That Fast?
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every now and then some people on STLSR get him to come to St. Luois for tuning (look in the sport compact section) or you can drive up to his shop.

go to www.whipfactory.com for contact info
