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see the grey areas of the "cometic" gasket you posted? thats steel. there are holes in the steel there. either way, thats not even a b series headgasket. its simply a stock photo. i dont like to argue and just to prove my theory correct ive take pictures of my cometic HG on a spare GSR block i have.slambed_civic:
thanks for posting pictures of blocks, i must have missed what mine looked like when i built my own GSR with cp 9:1 81.5mm pistons with stock sleeves. i think i even threw a head gasket (cometic) on my motor too. so yeah, i know what it looks like.
granted i dont have any experience with a block guard, so i am obligated to fish through the internets cesspool of misinformation and track down the correct stuff. ive seen time and time again where motors with block guards had cooling issues, and with that said i would go out on a limb to ASSUME that these problems could have been avoided without the use of a block guard.
your theory, in part, sounds good and makes some sense....however, its not correct (the whole headgasket issue you speak of and thankfully posted pictures of).
maybe mike@synapse will chime in with why THEY dont use block guards on 81.5mm stock sleeve builds
btw, that looks like a stock head gasket in your pic, heres a Cometic. looks so holey in should go to church every sunday.
proof that its not stock (SS mid plate)
on the spare block:
on a trashed head showing the coolant channel in the head:
high shot of the block:
lined up with coolant channels on the head.
running this gasket, and a nuforms blockgaurd (which has less flow than the STR) has never provided cooling issues.
just by the pictures of the headgasket, that should prove my point further. look at the coolant holes on the gasket. makes no sense to put holes that small to restrict flow and create a cooling issue.... another proof to my theory as to why there would be no cooling issues.
again. you and mike are correct, they arent needed, but YOUR arguement about cooling is ficticious. people having cooling issues are doing something else wrong. while you admitingly dont have experience with blockgaurds i suggest you stop with the arguement. i have no problems with the way you do things. ive run plenty of stuff without blockgaurds as well. the block hold up just fine. my current DD is a 95 GSR. bone stock. i was running 10lbs on a t3/to4e and would trust it till the day the turbo died.
all in all, having a block gaurd can only help things with the flexing and contortion of the cylinder walls at the top where they move the most. they dont harm cooling by any means.
its simply a precautionary measure that i dont mind taking for the safety of my block. sorry for THAT opinion that myself and others might share.
so far the only supporting information that you have provided is that you shouldnt use a blockgaurd because it is not needed. while you are correct, again its just a precautionary measure.
thanks for playing, and have a good day